Why doesn't anyone like Lumpy?

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Question: Lumpy, how do you deal with being hated and called stupid all the time?

Lumpy: Uh... *Has flies buzzing around his face*

Sniffles: Lumpy is too stupid to know anything.

Lumpy: Wait, well. Uh, I never knew the fans hated me. I feel sad.

Lianna: No, Lumpy. Don't cry. I like you. You're pretty nice, you may be stupid but you're pretty funny and can be helpful at times like that time you helped Flippy with his PTSD.

Lumpy: Aw. Come here you! *Grabs Lianna and swings her around*

Lianna: Wheee!!

Lumpy: *Laughing but accidentally lets go off Lianna*

Lianna: AHHHHHH!!! *Flies into a lawn mower* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *Dies*

Sniffles: Nice going, ideot. You just killed Lianna.

Lumpy: Oh no!!!! *Cries* Now nobody likes me.

Cuddles: Hey, I like you.

Giggles: I like you to.

Toothy: So do I.

Nutty: CANDY!!! *Eats candy*

Sniffles: I like you fine.

Lifty: Uh, we don't like you.

Shifty: We only like stealing from you.

Lifty: *Punches Shifty in the sholder* Shut up, Shifty.

Flaky: I like you. *Shakes*

Splendid: I think you're a nice guy.

Flippy: You're the one who helped me cure my PTSD. I like you.

Fliqpy: Not me. I don't like anyone.

Cub: Yay!

Fliqpy: Okay, everyone but Cub.

Pop: *Picks up Cub* Hey! That's my son!

Cuddles: See, almost everyone here likes you. Even the audience.

Lumpy: Aw.. well, I hope this helps your question.

Lifty: Ask and Dare us!

Shifty: Bye!

The End.

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