dare for both

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Me: *sits on a chair writing one of my fanfictions*

Poppy & Branch: *comes in* " hey what's the question or dare for today?"

Me: *looks up from the phone* "did you two just say that at the same time?!"

Poppy: "yeah I guess"

Branch: "why are you asking?"

Me: "it's just that... Wow cool"  * whispers* "Broppy!"

Branch: "what was that?"

Me: "oh umm... nothing"

Poppy: "what are you doing?" *points at my phone*

Me: "I'm just writing a fanfiction"

Poppy: "oooooh about what?" *looks at what I am writing*

Me: "about trolls"

Poppy: "you mean about us?"

Me: "yeah" *continues writing a little*

Poppy: "aww..."

Me: "what?"

Poppy: "it's about Branch!"

Me: *feels a little awkward**blushes*

Poppy: "and me..."

Me: "yeah..."

Branch: * looks at the text* "wait a minute. Me as a child?"

Me: "yeah"

Poppy: "Aww... Your grandmas little blueberry? That's so cute"

Branch: *blushes* "wait what? How did you know that nickname?"

Me: "I just know things that others don't know about..."

Branch: "uhhhh... Do you also know who's my crush?"

Me: "yeah why?"

Poppy: "who is your crush?"

Branch: *blushes* "anyway what's today's dare or question?"

Me: " here it is" * out of nowhere gets a piece of paper in my hand* * turns off my phone* *reads paper* *secretly freaks out* *whispers* "eeeeeeek!"

Poppy: "who is it for?"

Branch: *notices my sudden reaction after reading the card* "uhh... are you ok?"

Me: *relaxes* "I'm fine... And it's for both of you!"

Poppy: "oooh what is it? Is it a dare?"

Me: "It is!"

Branch: "What does it say?"

Me: "it's from hermiony8910 and he/she dares  you two to... Go on a date together!!!!!!!"

Poppy&Branch: *blushes*

Poppy: "uhhh..."

Branch: ..... *Stares blankly out in nowhere with a unreadable face expression*

Me: "those are the most weird reactions I have ever seen conning from you two. Especially you Branch." *waves a hand In front of Branch's face* "hello anybody there??"

Branch: *is still gazing blankly*

Poppy: *looks at Branch* *giggles* *waves hand up and down in front of Branch's head* "Branch???"

Branch: *wakes up* "uhhh... what happened?"

Me: " Don't you remember?"

Branch: " oh... right sorry"

Poppy: "it's ok Branch"

Me: " I have a question now"

Poppy: " yeah?"

Me: "Do you want me to plan your date? Or do you want to plan it yourself?"

Poppy: "uhhh..." *looks at Branch to get his opinion*

Branch: *thinks* "I usually don't say this because I like planning things myself but, since we aren't even prepared and we don't really have so much time to plan then I think you should plan it for us."

Poppy: "yeah surprise us!"

Me: "ok then." " Branch you should go and get Poppy at her pod at 7:00 pm and then you'll follow her to somewhere..."

Branch: "where?"

Me: I am not saying anymore just do as I told you ok?"

Poppy: "ok??"

Branch: *whispers* " I can't believe I am about to do this!" *smiles a relaxed smile*

Me: "now go on and get ready. I hope you both will look cute for your date!"

Branch&Poppy: *walks hesitantly out of the door* "bye"

Me: " now it's time to get creative!!"

…...Sometime later at Poppy's pod.......

Poppy: *stares into her closet* "isn't there anything that I can wear in here?!"
*Stares blankly into the closet again*
*Closes closet* "  I gotta find Satin and Chenille"
*Runs out of her pod*

*Rushes into the fashion twins' pod*
"Satin? Chenille? I need your help!"

Satin: "relax Poppy- "
Chenille: "what's the matter?"

Poppy: "I am going on a date."

Chenille: "oooooh..."

Satin: " with who?"

Poppy: *blushes* "ummm... Uhhh..."

Chenille: " it's ok Poppy you can tell us"

Poppy: " w- w- with Branch"

Satin: " oooooohhhhhhhhhh" *thinks*"finally!"

Poppy: "....." *Blushes* "and I don't have anything to wear..."

Chenille: " And you have come to just the right place!"

Satin: "of course we will help you"

Poppy:"thank you."

Chenille:"no problem Poppy"

Satin: "so do you have any specific things in mind?"

Poppy:"no... Not really"

Satin:" so you just want to look nice?"

Poppy:"yea..." *Stares unsurely at the wall*

Chenille: "we'll find the perfect outfit for you"

------------- a few minutes later---------------

Poppy, Satin and Chenille: *looks at all the different kinds clothes*

Satin: "I can't believe you finally took courage to ask him out!"

Poppy: " oh... Ummm..."

Chenille: " yeah. We've always shipped you two."

Poppy: *blushes* "uhh..."

Satin: "aww... Look at her she is blushing..."

Satin &Chenille: "awww..."

Poppy: "uhhh..." *Finds a random dress* "what about this one??"

Satin: *looks at Chenille*
Chenille:*looks at Satin*

Satin and Chenille: "no."

Poppy: "..."

-------------------at Branch's-----------------------

Branch: *runs over joyed around in his bunker while holding Gary in his right hand* "I can't believe this is finally happening Gary!!" 

Gary: sielence

Branch: *stops running*  " But I gotta be honest here I actually wanted to ask her out myself when I was ready"

Gary: sielence

Branch: "I know but it's just so difficult Gary!"

Gary: Sielence ...

Branch: " I don't even know what to do or what to wear. Gabrisej didn't even give me any information about this. I wish she whould be here right now to answer all my questions."

Me: *appears out of nowhere* "what's up my friend?"

Branch: *looks shocked at me* "w- w- where did you come from????"

Me: "I can come in everywhere. I know everything about you all remember?"

Branch: " to  be honest that sounds really creepy..."

Me: "yeah I agree... But I do know everything about you"

Branch: "well I don't believe in you"

Me: " I know who your crush is"

Branch: *blushes* " who?*

Me: "Poppy"

Branch: "shush!"

Me: "what???"

Branch: "somebody might hear you!"

Me: " and?"

Branch: " I don't know.... Just. shush"

Me: " there are so many people out in the world who is shipping you two didn't you know that?"

Branch: *blushes* "n- no..."

Me: "well now you know mein freund." (Mein freund is German and means my friend)

Branch: "we are actually waisting time right now mein freund??? There's only a few hours left! Now help me! What should I do???"

Me: " relax Branch. Let me tell you what to do. I have planned it all and I have the perfect suit for you. No need worry so much!" *Tells Branch some things to do* "and you also have to tell her one of your poems"

Branch: *blushes* "wait what?! there's no way I'm doing that!"

Me: " aww come on?"

Branch: " why do I have to?"

Me: "Because it will make the date more cute and romantic"

Branch: "..."

Me: "come on please... It will make her happy"

Branch: "ok fine..."

*Branch gets the information he needs and gets ready*

--------------time skip 6:55pm-----------------

Branch: " Ok you can do this Branch it will be alright."

Unknown: "yeah boost your confidence a little Branch. It's gonna be ok."

Branch: " who's there?"

Unknown: " who?"

Branch: "yeah who?"

Unknown: " it's me"

Branch: " who is 'me'?"

Cloud guy: *comes out of nowhere*
" Nice suit Branch"

Branch: "oh no..."

Cloud guy: " oh come on Branch why are you always grumpy when you see me?"

Branch: " I actually don't have time right now ok. Please just go..."

Cloud guy: " why don't you have time for a little talk?"

Branch: " because..."

Cloud guy: " because what?"

Branch: *gets stressed* " I have to go now!!!"

Cloud guy: "where are you going?"

Branch: "out!"

Cloud guy: " out??"

Branch: "yeah out. And I have about five minutes to meet up!"

Cloud guy: " with who?"

Branch: " with Poppy! Are you happy now?! Will you let me go?"

Cloud guy: " wow easy there dude. Relax."

Branch: " relax?! How could you relax when you have five minutes to go and there is a cloud in your way!?"

Cloud guy: " I don't know because I haven't been in that situation. It actually sounds funny you could just go right through it..."

Branch: " ehh... Should I try?..."

Cloud guy: " since it's a cloud you could actually do it..."

Branch: * stands hesitantly* " it just sounds so gross..." *Walks right through cloud guy* "bye!" *Runs out of his bunker*

Cloud guy: " now where was his mayonnaise?" * Disappears*

Branch: *runs faster than he have ever done in his entire life* " I only have three minutes!!"

-----------------back at Poppy's-----------------
Poppy has found a dress that she likes and is now home getting ready.

Poppy: *looks at her hugtimewatch* "oh no I only have three minutes! And I look like a mess I don't know what to do!!!" * Gets stressed* *hurriedly puts some makeup on and looks at the mirror* " no it has to be perfect!"
* Tries again* *grunts* "why can't this just get perfect?!"

Me: *comes out of nowhere* " can I help you?"

Poppy: " yeah. Can you get this makeup perfect for me quick?"

Me: "yeah" *fixes makeup in no time* here you go"

Poppy: "Thanks" *looks at her hugtimewatch* "wow that didn't take less than a few seconds!"

Me: " didn't it?"

Poppy: "yeah. thank you!"

Me: "you're welcome!" *Dessapears*

Poppy: " now I have about 2 minutes left!" *Rushes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth quickly* *rushes to the door*

-------in the exact same moment-------

Branch: *reaches Poppy's pod and runs to the door* *knocks on the door*

Poppy: *quickly opens the door*

Poppy and Branch: "have you been waiting for a long time?"

Poppy and Branch: "uhh... Umm..."

Poppy and Branch: "hehe..." *Blushes*

Branch: "uhhh... Let's go..."
* Hesitantly reaches for Poppy's hand*
"Do you wanna hold my hand??"

Poppy: "y- yeah." *Hesitantly reaches for Branch's hand*

Branch: "  y- you look stunning"

Poppy: " *blushes* "thanks.. You look handsome."

Branch: *blushes* "thanks"

Poppy: " do you even know where to go?"

Branch: "Yeah gabrisej told me"

Poppy: "oh... I guess I should have realized that"

Branch: "no, it's ok how could you know it anyway?"

Poppy: "yeah you're right"

-----------------time time later-------------------
Poppy and Branch arrives at the romantic spot I have created for them. There is a picnic blanket surrounded by thousand of flowers poppies, roses, lavender and many more... 

Poppy: "wow"

Branch: " this place is so..."

Poppy: "beautiful..."

Branch: " yeah..."

(They are still holding hands)

Poppy and Branch: * reaches the picnic blanket and sits down

Branch: *realizes that he forgot something* " I forgot to give you this" *takes a bouquet of flowers out of his hair and gives it to Poppy*

Poppy: " oh Branch! They're so beautiful! thank you!"

Branch: "you are welcome Poppy"

-after some time watching the sunset-

Branch: "Poppy?"

Poppy: " yes?"

" When everything seems dark  you are the light shining over me.
And when I'm blind and have no chance to see.
You'll always be the one to show me how to be happy.

I have these feelings that I can't deny
I don't know what would happen if I try
To tell you how I feel.
Maybe I should just conceal."

Poppy: " aww that's the sweetest thing every has ever told me but why conceal?"

Branch: " when I wrote this I thought there was no chance that you would feel the same" *blushes*

Poppy: " awww... Why?"

Branch: "because when I wrote this I was just the Branch that everyone saw as a grump and the one who didn't have anything to do than give warnings all the time but I always had  secrets deep inside that I just hid from everyone. Back then I didn't even thought that I would ever feel happy again..."

Poppy: " did you really feel that way about me that time?"

Branch: "yes but no one knew"

Poppy: "Branch?"

Branch" yeah?*

Poppy: " do you still feel that way about me?"

Branch: " yes" *scratches the back of his neck.* "Umm... d- do you feel the same?...

Poppy: *blushes* " of course I do. you are my one and only and I love you so much."

Branch: *blushes* " I love you too"

Poppy&Branch: *hugs each other*

Poppy: " I'm sorry that I don't have anything to give you. You have given me so much and I just can't give you anything." *Frowns*

Branch: " it's ok Poppy your love is enough I couldn't live without your love it is the greatest thing you have ever given me"

Poppy: " aww... Thank you Branch thank you so much for everything!"

Branch: "you're welcome Poppy" *stares deeply into her eyes*

Poppy: *sings* "stars shining bright above you night breezes seem to whisper I love you." *stares deeply into his eyes*

Poppy&Branch: *sings*  " birds singing in the sycamore tree dream a little dream of me" *stares dreamingly into each other's eyes* * leans in* *closes their eyes* *kisses each other*
*Hugs each other tight*

Me: *wacthes from a distance* "aww..."

GD: *sits beside me with a camera* " I know right? This is stuff for a movie a Broppy movie"

Me: " you got it all right?"

GD: " yeah"

Me: "plz send it to me"

GD: " of course."

Me: " I can't live without this"

GD: "me neither"

-------Back with Poppy and Branch-------

Broppy: *breakes the kiss* *smiles warmly at each other*

Branch: "Poppy?"

Poppy: "yes"

Branch: " do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

Poppy: "of course I will!!!"

-------------back with me and GD------------

Me & GD *squeels* "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!"

Me: "my life is complete now!!"

GD: "same!"

-------------back with Broppy-------------

Branch: "I love you Poppy"

Poppy: "I love you too Branch"

Me: *acts like I don't know anything* "Hi guys how are you doing?"

Branch: " we have never been better"
*Looks at Poppy* *smiles*

Poppy: *smiles back*

Me: "awww"

Branch: "uhh umm..." *Blushes*

Me: "now tell me how did it go?"

Poppy: " well..." *Whispers to Branch* "should we tell her?"

Branch: "it's ok"

Poppy: " well we are a couple now"

Me: "aww.. that's cute."

Branch: *blushes* "yeah..."

Me: "well my fellow fans I think this is all for today. I  hope to see more questions or dares soon and..."

Me,Poppy&Branch: " see ya!"

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  if you haven't already then go and check my other books I referred to one of them in the beginning of this chap😊...
And also the poem in this chap is originally made by me know it's a little crappy but yea... The song they sang well I think you all might know it but if anyone shouldn't know it then it's dream a little dream of me by Ella Fitzgerald Poppy also sang it in Trolls btw...
And the thing in German... I'm not German but I'm Danish so... That's the German I know😂
this is a very long chapter there is already 2437 words in here😂 so I think I'm gonna end this chapter here. Remember to ask and dare them and sorry for the long wait bye and see you in the next one!!🙋

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