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Ink; is checking out all the AU's and notices something's off about one "why are you in-....." I was about to summon them here to ask what's happening

Error; "wHy thOse s-sTupId gLitCheS!"

Angel; looks around at all the sanses, sees Horror and runs and hides behind Classic sans.

Sans; I look at the new kid "hey there you okay kid? Uh Ink who's this?"

Angel; "I-i'm Angel....I-i came in with him" I point at Geno

Sans; "wait you came with Geno? Are you sure?"

Angel; nods. "Y-yeah...." looks down at my feet. "I-is that a bad thing?..." messes with my white and light green heart necklace nervously.

Sans; "no kid it's fine..I'm just...surprised"

Geno; is currently trying to get away from Reaper rn

Reaper; continues bothering him and trying to flirt

Ink; I notice Angel and walk over "hey there Angel" I greeted with a smile.

Angel; smiles slightly nervously at him. "H-how do you know my name" Angel stands around 4 feet even and has Snow White hair to her feet, her eyes a light blue that shine with innocence. She has deadly pale skin and half of a broken heart (white with a light green center) on a thin silver chain, she wears a light blue and white dress with black sleeves, light Green ruffles sown to it. She doesn't have on shoes.

Ink: chuckles "well I am the co-creator after all, I ought to know who you are"

Sans; "yea, like how you remembered-"

Ink; covers his mouth with hand "it was one time!"

Error; grins at that

Angel; "t-then do you know what happened to all the monsters were Geno and I were at?...." i asked, slightly scared that i might have had something to do with it.

Ink; "yea but it wasn't you" I said calmly "but I still know who did" snaps fingers Causing something to leave Angel and puts hands on hips.

Elaine; suddenly appears beside Angel, Elaine stands around 4 feet even also and has black hair down to her feet, dark red eyes that glint and glitter with insanity and rage. She has deadly pale skin also, it was the only color that wasn't inverted, she has the other half of the heart on a thin leather strap, the heart is colored black with a dark red center. She wears a dark red and black dress with white (blood stained) sleeves and dark violet ruffles sewn to it. She has blood stained white boots on her small feet

Angel; screams in fear and scurries back from her

Ink; I sigh

Error; is lmaoing rn

Ink; glares at error making him stop then turns to face Angel again

Angel: is looking at Elaine. "W-who is she?"

Elaine; grins a devilish grin. "I'm your other personality silly! I make up a lot of the old you"

SwapFrisk; walks over to Elaine "by that glint in your eye I can already assume we're gonna be good friends" grins

Chara; smiles agreeingly

Angel; is trying not to freak out. "O-old me?! W-what?! W-who was I?!" Doesn't remember anything before waking up in the after affects of the genocide run

Ink; "uh well.."

Error; "You don't know do you?"

Ink: laughs nervously "I kinda forgot..."

Sans; mutters "wouldn't be the first time"

Frisk; walks over seeing two new possible friends until notices one looks scared, I look at Chara in confusion

Chara; "eh I'm too lazy to explain"

Elaine; "oh, little miss innocent is scared because she doesn't know who she was, and thus is assuming the worst, which is actually very interesting when you think about it" she laughs insanely. "And she's freaked that I'm her other personality"

Frisk; "...."

Error; "s-s-sO wAs sHE eV-IL tHEn o-Or nO?"

Elaine; grins. "Depends if you call being related to the devil 'evil' "

Angel; "I-i... what?!" Is now hyperventilating from fear at who I was.

Elaine; smirks. "And yet you somehow manage to be kind and all the gross good people things, in fact" groans. "You sacrificed yourself in another Undertale timeline/Au for your two friends from the surface that happened down after you...but they still died anyways"

Geno; is now standing there "heh, that sounds familiar......Reaper go away"

Reaper; is clinging onto his arm "nope"

Angel; uses light to fly up and away from Elaine, accidentally kicks her in the face. "S-sorry!!"

Elaine; growls, makes a dagger out of darkness, and starts trying to kill her.

Error; "f-FinAlLy sOmeThINg I-I-inTerEsTInG!!!"

Ink; elbows Error

Error; "o-Ow!!!"

Sans; sighs "I got this" eye glows blue and I use my magic to hold Elaine back

Elaine; growls. "Let me at that b***ch!!!"

Blueberry; from a distance "language!!!!"

Geno and Sans; chuckles at that

???; "Angel calm down please..."

Ink; looks at him

Angel; "I-it's not me going's my other personality.....and she wants to kill me!!" Is curled up in a ball and pressed against the sealing via light because I'm scared of Elaine

Suicide!Sans; sighs "yeah I know...but you're the one curled into a ball, don't worry she won't hurt you, not while I'm here"

Angel; looks at him. "R-really?.." slowly uncurls.

Suicide; smiles slightly and holds out hand for her "really"

Some Sans's and Frisks; *eternal squealing from how cute this is*

Angel; makes the light gently lower me to the ground, lands on my feet next to Suicide and takes his hand. I then hugs him semi tightly.

Suicide; hesitates but hugs back

Everyone else; "AWWWWW!!!" Even more squealing

Angel; blushes heavily

Ink; "so you must be the Sans from her timeline"

Elaine; has calmed down. "He's the Sans from the timeline Angel died trying to protect her overworld friends, her and I are from the Genocide timeline"

G; randomly appears "I SAY WE START THE SIN SQUAD AGAIN!!!!!"

Elaine; grins. "I'm joining!!"

Everyone else; walks away

G; "oh come on? Anyone else?"

Sci; "I'm not gonna fall into that death trap again!" Continues leaving

G; "for now~" Evil cackling.

Elaine: "I can tell this will be a great friendship" grins and giggles

Sans; sighs "well, Ima go and try to be uh noticed again" walks away

Angel; pulls back from the hug with Suicide, smiling

Suicide; smiles back

Frisk; tugs on Angels sleeve

Angel;turns to frisk. "Hello there, what's you're name? Or what Au do you come from?"

Frisk; points to original Sans before he teleports away

Angel; nods. "So you're the original frisk?"

Frisk; nods smiling before running off somewhere, runs back dragging Chara by the sleeve

Chara; "come on! I just wanted some chocolate!"

Angel; giggles softly at that. Shadows some in and hands it to her. "Here you go!" Smiles adorably

Chara; "Finally!" Eats some of the chocolate smiling

Frisk; signs the words 'thanks'

Angel; giggles softly. "It's no problem!"

Elaine; groans. "Angel you're adorable! Gaaa we should nickname you vanilla or something!"

Frisk; nods in agreement and gives a thumbs up

Chara; groans "I'm gonna leave now" tries leaving but Frisk doesn't let me "ugg fine"

Suicide; chuckles "Vanilla it is then!"

Angel; grins and giggles. "I like it, it's interesting" looks at my Snow White hair. "And it fits!"

Frisk; giggles happily

Suicide; grins "I guess it does" thinks for a second "wait why are we here anyway?"

Ink; freezes "oh shoot we're trapped....I can't open a portal to leave..."

Elaine; facepalms. " should have given me a warning because I would have made sure I had a cube to go to other dimensions/timelines on me!!"

G: is suddenly grinning and glances at Ink

Ink; "what? Wait no, not again!"

G; laughs "I think we're stuck in another ask and dare thing"

Ink; "oh gosh no why?!" Sobbing in corner

Angel; goes to comfort him.

Elaine; grins widely. "I predict that we're gonna do a lot of dares!!! There's a lot of Angel AU's to think about and take into account after all"

Frisk; facepalms

Chara; "yea bye" somehow leaves

Elaine; "nuha!! You're staying" summons her back in

Chara; groans "but- ugg fine"

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