Question #1

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Me: Guys!!!!!!!!! There is a question for you!!

Lizzy: *looks at me from reading my book* Wait, seriously? Already?!

Jarod: Wow, that was fast.

James: Cool what is it?

Me: beingLovfulisPower asks: What is the favorite game you all played together so far?

Bryan: Oh snap, that's hard!

James: Yeah because most video games we have played involve only like three or four people and everyone one else watches.

Lizzy: Yeah......

Jewel: Go Mario Kart!

Summer: Mario Kart was fun but I'm sure there were a few other games that were pretty fun.

Keiza: Ooh, how about Five Nights at Freddy's?

Everyone else: NO!!!!

James: We will not speak of that game ever since that one time we played with our friends from Domino City.

Keiza: *giggles* Just wanted to bring that up.

Jarod: Probably not the best idea.

Lizzy: What about Super Smash Bros.?

James: Yeah, that game was great! We would beat each other up so much.

Keiza: And James and Jarod would literally stand up and go in front of the screen and everyone else couldn't see the screen.

Lizzy: I wish karaoke would count as a game because we do that all the time.

Summer: What about Dungeons and Dragons?

Jarod: That's a great one too!!

James: So we got Dungeons and Dragons, Mario Kart, and Super Smash Bros.. I hope that's good enough for our friend that asked the question.

Lizzy: Oh let's hope so.

Me: Anyway, ask a question or a dare and post it in the comments! See ya next time!

The Gamers: Bye! 

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