Where are my sweets?

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Leona: Emma, Jack, come here!

Emma: What?

Jack: If this is a dare, count me out. *starts to leave*

Leona: It's a dare, but trust me, you're going to love it. It's from Sara-Q. She wants you two to steal all of Bunny's chocolate, eat it, and then go tell Tooth without brushing your teeth.

Jack: Where does Bunny keep his chocolate?

Emma: He keeps his chocolate in the warrior eggs.

Jack: Oh.

Emma and Jack: *go to the Warren*

Jack: This chocolate is so good! It was completely worth almost being torn apart by warrior eggs!

Emma: Who knew that chocolate could be better than it is?

Jack: I have no clue what you just said. Let's go talk to Tooth.

Emma and Jack: *go to the Tooth Palace*

Emma: Hello? Tooth, are you here?

Tooth: *flies down from a tooth collector* Hi Emma, Jack. What do you want?

Jack: We just wanted to tell you that we ate all of Bunny's chocolate. *smiles, showing off his brown teeth*

Tooth: You ate ALL of Bunny's chocolate?

Emma and Jack: *nod*

Tooth: You two are SO dead. It's two weeks before Easter!

-Back at the guardians safe house-

Leona: Hey, does anyone know where Tooth is?

North: At the Tooth Palace.

Leona: Thanks. Can I borrow a snow globe?

North: Sure.

Leona: *throws down a snow globe* Tooth Palace!

-At Tooth Palace-

Leona: *falls through the air because of the portal* Help!

Tooth: I've got you! *flies down and catches Leona*

Leona: Thanks, Tooth. You know how North only eats cookies and sweets?

Tooth: Yes.

Leona: Sara-Q has dared you to take all of North's cookies and sweets, and hid them.

Tooth: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Leona: Nope! *smiles and goes through a portal back to the safe house*

Tooth: *flies to North's workshop and steals all the cookies and sweets, then does the same at the safe house*

Jack: Tooth, what are you doing with all of North's sweets?

Tooth: *looks around anxiously* It's a dare. Do you know where I can hide it?

Jack: Yeah, follow me. *flies to a crevasse in Antarctica* Pitch knocked down here when he broke my staff. I'm the only one who would even think of looking here.

Tooth: Pitch broke your staff? *drops the cookies down into the crevasse*

Jack: I don't want to talk about it.

Leona: Guess what! We have two dares, both from Sara-Q. Even better, these dares have already been completed!

Bunny: Someone stole all my chocolate!

North: Where are my cookies?

Leona: I'll answer both of your questions. *reads aloud from iPad* Dare number one- Emma and Jack have to steal all of Bunny's chocolate, eat it, and go tell Tooth without brushing their teeth. Dare number two- Tooth has to hide all of North's cookies and sweets.

Bunny: Where are Jack and Emma? I believe I need to have a word with them. *pulls out a boomerang and an exploding egg*

North: Do you know where Tooth hid my cookies?

-At the crevasse in Antarctica-

Emma: These are really good cookies.

Jack: Yeah. I wish Sara-Q would give us more dares like this, instead of humiliating singing dares.

Emma: You know, you are a pretty good singer.

Leona: *falls into the crevasse* Can I join you?

Jack: Sure.

Leona: Bunny is looking for you, and he has exploding eggs. *shivers from the memory of exploding eggs*

Emma: That chocolate was so good, I don't care what our punishment will be.

Emma, Jack, and Leona: Please ask and dare us!

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