Who Dunnit?

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Sara-Q: Psst, Jack, come here!

Jack: What? *flies over*

Sara-Q: I dare you to give the whole wold a blizzard and then blame it on Elsa.

Jack: *grins mischievously and rubs hands together* Perfect. *flies off to somewhere*

Emma: *walks in* Hi!

Sara-Q: *vanishes in a puff of smoke*

Emma: Well, that was strange. *leaves the room*

• Somewhere in the world •

Jack: Oh, this is going to be fun! *waves staff around and clouds form, then he taps them with staff and the get bigger and bigger*

Jack: *grins and pushes the clouds over North America and Europe* Snow day! *flies back to where everyone is before it starts snowing*

• In Arrendelle •

Anna: Look! It's snowing! *pauses* Why's it snowing? Elsa! *runs off looking for Elsa*
Elsa: *muttering and pacing in the ballroom* Conceal, relax, don't be scared. Gah! I give up! *frost flies towards the doors right before Anna bursts in*

Anna: *barrels through the doors* Elsa! Are you okay?

Elsa: Why?

Anna: It's snowing!

Elsa: *runs to the nearest window and gasps at the raging blizzard* Oh no.

Anna: *comes over* It wasn't like that a bit ago...

Elsa: *goes to her new ice palace* What's going on?

• With the guardians •

Leona: It's snowing!

Bunny: So?

Emma: *chases an elf covered in paint down the hallway*

Jack: *steps into room* Whatcha lookin at?

Tooth: *flies in* Has anyone seen Baby Tooth?

Leona: Does no one care that it's snowing in July?! *storms out of the room*

Tooth and Bunny: *glare at Jack*

Jack: What? It wasn't me. I've been here all day.

Bunny: *steps closer to Jack so that they're nose to nose* Oh really?

Jack: Yeah, Kangaroo.

Tooth: *flies between them* Have you seen Baby Tooth?

Jack: *vanishes in a poof of smoke*

Bunny: Wha- Where'd he go?!
Leona: *sitting at the computer* Okay, let's see... Questions, nope. Dares, no- Yes! *reads dare* Oh dear. *taps the 'Which guardian do you need?' button on the keyboard and types Jack Frost*

Jack: *appears in a puff of smoke* Blagh! Where'd that- How'd I get here?

Leona: I hit a button.

Jack: What?

Leona: You've got a dare.

Jack: *groans* Another one?

Leona: *looks suspiciously at him* What do you mean, 'Another one?'

Jack: What's the dare?

North: *peeks head around corner* Vhat is the dare?

Leona: percyjackson10111 dares you to paint 'I love Christmas' in Bunny's room.

North: *laughs* Good one.

Jack: Let me get the paint. *flies to the paint store*

• In Arrendelle •

Blizzard: *dumping ten feet of snow every day*

Elsa: *pacing and thinking* That boy! He must be behind this storm. I don't think I'm doing it. But... *returns to thinking*

• Bunnys room •

Jack: *paints I love Christmas in neon colors on everything* Oh, this is fun!

North: *peeks head in doorway* Nice job, Jack.

Jack: And, done! *looks at masterpiece* Perfect. Now I gotta go. *quickly leaves room*
Bunny: *walking to his room and passes North* North.

North: *walks past Bunny* Bunny.

Bunny: *enters his room* North! Come back here right now!!!!!!
Leona: *laughing at funny cat and dog videos on YouTube* Uh oh! The poor cat! HAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!

Emma: *steps in* Leona, are you okay?

Leona: *stops laughing, looks at Emma, and starts laughing and rolling on the floor* Emm- Emma, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Emma: *looks at herself covered in paint, syrup, sugar, and cookie crumbs* I don't see what's so funny.

Leona: *holds stomach* Ow! But- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Emma: Oh well. *steps over Leona and goes into the bathroom*
Bunny: *jumps on top of North* What'd you do to my room?!

North: Nothing!

Leona: *stops laughing and sits up, then looks out window* That's not good. *goes to the computer and summons all of the guardians.

The guardians: *appear in puffs of smoke, Bunny still on North*

Leona: *yells and grows bigger* JACKSON OVERLAND FROST!!! IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF A JOKE????!

Jack: *tries to run away*

Emma: *grabs Jack's staff* Where do you think you're going?

Jack: Away from the crazy giant lady, duh!

Leona: *still huge* Don't make me get my atlatl!

North: How did you get so big?

Leona: I got angry at this scoundrel *glares at Jack* for dumping snow higher than the house in July! And I am the guardian of imagination.

Jack: It wasn't me! I swear!

Everyone that's not Jack: *raise their eyebrows*

Jack: It was the lady in that kingdom with the snow and ice and monster and weird talking snowman.

Leona: *shrinks* You mean Elsa?

Jack: Yeah, her.

Leona: Then let's pay her a visit.

North: To the sleigh!

Jack: *stays behind while everyone else goes to the sleigh* Thanks for the dares, but please give everyone else some. See you later! *runs off to the sleigh*

Thank you for your dares! In case you were wondering, an atlatl is a Native American spear thrower. I got to try it a few days ago at Chimney Rock National Monument in Colorado, and I hit the hay bale after about 20 tries. (I wasn't counting) Anyway, now I am obsessed with it. Keep on daring!

Also, I will soon have a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus dare book up.



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