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I only have the human designs, so yeah. They're all human in this book!

Mark Surge

"No hero is useless. One can save them all."

-Mark Surge in Ordeal of Fire

Villain!Surge (Dark Purge)

"They say there are five stages of grief. Denial, Anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I'd like to add one more. Revenge."
-Cruella De Ville

Nickname: Purge


"With great power comes great responsibility."
-Uncle Ben in Spiderman

Nickname: Alpha


"You don't need a core to be a hero."

Nickname: Future


"Everybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted."
-Song: Twisted by Missio

Nickname: Twisted


"Everyone has a talent. You just need to take the time to find out what it is."

Nickname: Star

First meet up

Surge: ... Why does this seem familiar?

Future: Huh?

Surge: What the- who are you?!

Future: Wait wait wait... *realizes* Hello past me!

Surge: Past huh???

Star: Where am I?

Twisted: ... Am I going completely crazy right now?

Purge: Why... Am I with different versions of me. In one room?!

Surge: *notices Purge and takes out a dagger* Why are you here?!

Wolfie: Oi oi oi! No fighting! Geez... *snaps fingers and makes the dagger disappear* Surge and Future, you two are probably familiar with this. This is another ask and dare book.

Future: Oh cool.

Wolfie: Yeah, and I wanted the readers to meet the different versions of Surge.

Star: Huh, I guess that explains why we all are similarities.

Wolfie: Yup! ... Say, where's Alpha?

Surge: Who-?

Alpha: *teleports in* Someone told me to come here. I hope I'm not late?

Future: ... Geez, you look like a mixture of me and Stormer.

Alpha: Do I now?

Wolfie: Questions can be answered later! Now, to the readers. There are a lot more versions of Surge-

Twisted: There's more?

Wolfie: -but they'll join further in the book. Currently, y'all have these six to ask and dare. Nothing that happens here will affect the story line of their universes, just so you know!

Purge: Story line?

Wolfie: And the book doesn't have a cover yet, but Creator will add one soon! If she isn't lazy again. But that's it for now, I'll see you later!

The Surges: ... Bye?

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