Question Set #7

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The final set. A few for Gaster, one for Asgore, and Alphys gets very sweaty (and also answers a question).

(There's no recipient indicated, but I'm gonna hand this one over to Dr. Gaster. He studies this sort of thing.)

My research is limited to timelines rather than universes, so that will have to suffice, I am afraid. Truthfully, there is no way for us to know what would happen to a destroyed timeline. There is, as far as I am aware, no way to reach them, and so no way to study them.

I do have theories, of course. The few "dead" timelines I have seen in our readings are still registering to our machine, so the data is still there. But I would think that those who inhabit it are...stuck, so to speak. They may be dead, but they are not completely eradicated like...what has happened in other incidents. But their timeline is frozen. Potentially, a godlike act could bring it back, but there would be no way of knowing. Besides, who would have that kind of power?

Again, this is simply a theory. 


Gaster Sans and Gaster Papyrus? I do not understand. Are you asking how I would react if we were related?

Well, I suppose Sans' grammar would be better.

No, this is something else! it's's kind of like a theory. i've done some research on it and...

Alphys, are you sweating?

NO???? but,'s like if you...and sans...

Do I want you to finish this sentence?

OH MY GOD IT'S NOT LIKE THAT.  Okay,, you know how a human and monster SOUL can merge together and make a new, um, being? 

That is...not quite right. But let us say yes, for the sake of this theory.

So this is...kinda along the same lines? um, so people have theories about what would happen if, say, you and sans' SOULs merged. And, um, y'know, what that new being would be like. um...i might be able to pull up something on my's someth--


Let me see...Alphys, let me see. If this thing is half of my SOUL...oh god. Why is it not wearing a shirt?



Ah. Well, you are right. I had not met any monster before the attack. But, once it was clear that I would have to be a part of monster society--and, of course, once I could read the language--I wanted to know all I could about them. Toriel, naturally, was in favor of that. She had a great deal of history books, so she lent (or is it loaned?) them to me and I read all I could. This aspect is actually fundamental to monsters' governing, so it was one of the first things I learned about boss monsters. 

Most boss monsters govern for several hundred years before having a child, but Asgore and Toriel had wanted one since their marriage. I was not shocked so much at the fact they would die--though I was certainly grieved by it--but more at the fact that they were having one so young. 

Of course, in the end, I suppose it did not matter much. 


umMM??? i...TOTALLY have not thought about this. how could you even ask??



okay, he's gone. watch, he's gonna be monitoring me after that gaster-sans thing. ANYWAY, um...well, i don't know much about human anatomy, but i know they also have skeletons! so, based on his skull shape, my headcanon (can you use that with someone you know???) is that he would look something like this: *

except, y'know, with more scars and no weapons.

oh my god, I can't believe I just said that. time to delete my internet history lol.


You...created a whole universe? That is...outrageously impressive! How did you do it? Is it small? I can only assume that it is, unless you were some massive cosmic entity. But how did you go about it?

The questions I would ask you if we had the time!

Though I must ask Alphys what a "senpai" is. I feel as if she would know.



This was...


I know humans can be good. I have met several who are. I raised one like my own child. And I regret every life I took, every SOUL that had to be drawn out. I will not be able to forget the looks in those humans' eyes. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself.

The truth is...I was a coward. After obtaining the first SOUL, someone--I can't recall who--mentioned what happened to Asriel. I am stronger than he was, but I don't know if I could fight. Even my rage at losing my children might not have been enough against an army of humans. And while I regret not trying, I...I couldn't let my kingdom down. They needed hope, and me dying the same way my son had would kill any hope that was left. So I stalled.

Every new SOUL was another beacon of hope to them. bought time for me to plan, even as I felt worse with every human killed. I wasn't always the one to directly kill them, and those cases were always worse. The first died from their fall, one was killed in battle after killing several of us. One was killed by mistake by a very young monster, who, as far as I know, never realized how much damage he inflicted. But even so, I was the one responsible for those deaths. 

 It did get to be too much, eventually. I'd hoped that Alphys' work with Determination would allow me to pass through the barrier without killing another human, but it...didn't work out. 

I regret everything I had done. But...I don't know if I had any other choice. 


And that wraps it up with the asks! This was outrageously fun (and a surprisingly good exercise in speaking patterns) and I hope you guys enjoyed! Thank you all SO, SO much for following, and I'll be back to my normal posting in just a couple weeks!

*(My headcanon is that Lackadaisy is available everywhere because it's PERFECT and you should READ IT.)

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