Ask 4

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Basically on IRL conversation :3
Ask 3- If you're afraid of something what will u do?

Angel: if it's a cockroach...
>role play<
Cockroach: *is next to Angel*
Angel: *screams then runs while pointing at it* kill it with fire!!!
Wolfen: I'm on it *getting ready to flamethrower*
Angel: *throws him* s'mores he's contaminated *runs*
Wolfen: *is outside of the house* what... just... happened?

Angel: if it's lightning or thunder
>role play<
*lighting and thunder*
Angel: *is in the closet* (kinda remind me of Haruka hiding :3) narnia help me!
Infi: *the one who's controlling the lighting and thunder* thunder! Thunder! Thunder! *singing EXO thunder by: Baekhyun (my fave)*

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