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Hetalia_North_Korea_ : U-uh.... South, what would you do if I-I told you I was getting married t-to Japan in a couple weeks...? *scratches the back of my neck nervously*

South Korea: *smiles* ........

Admin: *gasps* WHAT!!! CONGRATS!!! *hugs*

South Korea: *bows while still smiling* C-congrats....br-brother....

Admin: *tilts head* Whats wrong South?

South Korea: *head still bowed, and little chuckle escapes* I'm...trying...really....hard....not to....laugh....

Admin: *shakes head* Well at least he's not alone anymore...

South Korea: Exactly.

Admin: *sighs* Sorry North...he seems to be....pabo (stupid) at the moment.....

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