Dare #2 (Dashie_Quartz)

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Reading these dares were funny but I dare Amethyst and Garnet to prank Pearl

Amethyst unleashed one of her famous mischievous smiles she had ever given at the prospect of pranking Pearl, excitement gleamed in her eyes usually whenever Amethyst pranked Pearl she would get chastised by Garnet, but now she had a get out of free card, Garnet leaned against a nearby wall watching her, slowly shaking her head knowing that whatever was coming would be childish "What is it, Amethyst?" She asked quizzically getting the attention of Amethyst who was unaware of her presence, Garnet was shocked as Amethyst grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out the door "Come on, Garnet before the store closes!" Amethyst yelled out in her excitement, Garnet let herself get pulled along for a couple more feet before yanking her hand from Amethyst's grip and demanding a answer "Amethyst, what's going on?!" Garnet yelled out clearly annoyed with Amethyst's current actions, Amethyst looked a bit shaken by Garnet sudden yelling and looked back at Garnet fearfully stumbling to explain herself "T-the d-dare we have to prank Pearl." Amethyst said shakily "The dare?" Garnet asked in a confused manner staring down at Amethyst, Amethyst nodded quickly, Garnet however wasn't entertained and stared at her blankly, Amethyst pulled Garnet back into house "Fine, I'll show you then since you don't believe me!" Amethyst yelled getting angry showing Garnet the dare, Garnet read the line over and over again and just sighed before shaking her head "Okay, let's go." Garnet spoke in a hushed and defeated tone walking out the door on her own accord though confused Amethyst continued with her onto the grocery store

The Next Day

Amethyst couldn't help, but smile waking to the sound of a alarm clock she found among her junk piles she knew she would have to wake up early if she was to prank Pearl, she was a well known early bird "haha bird!" Amethyst chuckled to herself doubling over with laughter at the mere irony of the word "bird" with that bout of laughter over she made into the kitchen setting up the prank destined to infuriate the poor unsuspecting Pearl with a wide mischievous smile.

Steven's Pov

"Ugh... Amethyst what is it?" a young Steven asked tiredly opening his eyes staring at a seemingly excited Amethyst who hovered over his bed, a large smile plastered on her face "Well you know how Greg called Pearl a nagging squawking bird, a few days ago and got real mad, well that's because he kind of spoiled the surprise, you see Pearl like a bird lays eggs and well last night she laid a bunch throughout the house and I need your help finding them all." Amethyst explained somehow keeping a face of stone, poor Steven being so young and naive believed her words without a second thought, Steven jumped up from his bed excited at the prospect of having new siblings never realizing he had been lied to and that today was actually Easter, Amethyst grabbed one of the empty egg containers for Steven to put the eggs into, Steven soon ran into the other rooms looking for more eggs leaving Amethyst alone to keel over with laughter, Steven soon came running back to her side with a question "Hey Amethyst if gems can lay eggs, was I born from one too?" Steven asked looking up at Amethyst with the cutest eyes she had ever seen "Umm...sure." Amethyst said a little baffled and taken aback by Steven's question "Hey I found one!" Steven said excitedly looking behind Amethyst finding a chicken egg resting in a fruit bowl on the kitchen counter, Steven quickly ran by Amethyst climbing on a chair gently putting the egg in the carton holding it safely against himself as if a actual baby, Amethyst watched Steven with a smile as he ran around collecting all the eggs she had hidden soon enough he found all 21 eggs just as the temple door opened revealing a tired Pearl dressed in her regular attire, a loud yawn echoed throughout the house getting the attention of Amethyst and Steven, Steven ran excitedly to her with all the eggs greeting "Morning Pearl, I found all your eggs!" Steven yelled in a excited manner pushing the eggs into her arms forcing her to take them "Huh?" Pearl exclaimed in confusion still trying to recover from her yawn, she looked at the eggs in a bewildered manner before making her way out into the living room where she caught sight of Amethyst sitting at the counter, Amethyst's very presence confused Pearl it's been about thousand years since Amethyst had woken up before her and it threw her for a loop "G-good morning, Amethyst." Pearl stumbled over her greeting due to mere confusion, Pearl seemed fairly unaware of Steven who bobbed up and down on his feet in excitement next to her ready to talk about her eggs and his new siblings "Is something wrong, Amethyst?" Pearl asked in a confused manner walking up to her "No, it's fine I just woke up early." Amethyst said calmly dismissing her fears, looking around Pearl was shocked to see Steven bouncing up and down next to her, yet greeted him with a question of her own "What's going on, Steven why are you up?" Pearl asked kneeling down next to Steven looking into his excited eyes "I found all your eggs, why didn't you tell me you we're a bird?" Steven asked in a happy carefree tone, his words left Pearl speechless without any other words she angrily glared at a snickering Amethyst who had turned to watch them, she looked back down at Steven who stared up at her with large puppy dog eyes, Pearl sighed wishing Amethyst had done what she had done, it would kill her to break Steven's heart yet what could she do "Steven, I think Amethyst was messing with you it's Easter, those where laid by the Easter Bunny." Pearl said trying to ease little Steven, Steven instantly frowned looking hurt causing Pearl to frown herself expecting tears, yet they never came "Amethyst..." Steven whined looking at her clearly annoyed "Sorry, little man it's just fun messing with good ole Mama Pearl, but yeah those weren't her eggs they we're the Easter Bunny's." Amethyst said in a jovial tone scuffling Steven's hair before flashing Pearl a mischievous smile, Pearl just looked at her clearly not amused "We have mission today, right?" Amethyst asked looking at Pearl a lot more seriously shocking Pearl with the sudden tone shift "Um...yes we have mission in 4 hours." Pearl said awkwardly looking at Amethyst in a odd manner taking note of her strange attitude today "I'm just going to take a nap, wake me when it's time to go." Amethyst said yawning loudly taking her leave disappearing into the temple, Pearl sighed before taking the seat next to where Amethyst previously sat as she sat down a loud crack permeated throughout the air, Pearl's eyes went wide as she noticed a wet spot spreading across her bum, jumping off the chair she caught sight of broken egg shell and the mess she had just created "Amethyst!!!" Pearl screamed obviously fuming with anger as she ran back into her room to change, when she had finally come out of her room, a new sound greeted her the chirping of birds suddenly Steven came running downstairs the egg carton in hands among various other chicken eggs laid two chirping robins surrounded by the remnants of their shells "Pearl look baby birds, I found these weird eggs and they started hatching." Steven said excitedly as he panted showing Pearl the recently hatched chicks, Pearl let loose a small smile and that was how they ended up raising two birds.

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