Dare #3 (Gray_Territe_Glitch)

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I dare Peridot to date Steven for a week. - Gray_Territe_Glitch

"Umm..." Peridot said staring up at the screen of Steven's phone, Steven held his phone out to let her read it while shyly looking away a blush on his face "Date you? What does that mean do I have to say how old you are or tell the time?" Peridot says in a confused manner before looking at his phone again "It's currently 1:32 P.M." Peridot said blankly "No it's more like...Fusion." Steven struggled to explain with a bright blush "Fusion!" Peridot screamed in panic before running off as fast as she could only stopping when she saw Garnet leaning against the barn "What is it, Peridot?" Garnet spoke out calmly pushing herself from the wall "Umm..." Peridot mumbled trying not to look Garnet in the eye before finally shouting "The Steven wants to fuse with me!" Peridot blushed hard shutting her eyes in embarrassment before picking up a little chuckle from Garnet "My little man..." Garnet said looking off into the distance with a sense of overwhelming pride and a stifled laughter, bubbling up in anger Peridot exploded "All because of some stupid dare! He wants to..." Peridot yelled before going quiet again eyeing her surroundings nervously "A dare...to fuse?" Garnet said in a confused manner before becoming angry "I cannot allow this to go on it's fusion for all the wrong reasons!" Garnet yelled causing Peridot to take a few steps back in panic before she could angrily stomp away Peridot spoke up "The dare was actually for me to date the Steven..." Peridot clarified in a panicked voice causing the angry gem to halt letting loose her anger with a loud sigh "That's all?" Garnet asked clearly annoyed with this whole affair "Yes, the Steven likened dating to...Fusion." Peridot clarified saying "Fusion" with a slight disgust ticking Garnet off a bit who now loomed over Peridot menacingly when Peridot noticed she stumbled backwards "Sorry about that..." Peridot said twirling her fingers nervously "So what's the problem with dating Steven?" Garnet asked before sitting down next to Peridot "Okay, first of all I don't even know what "Dating" is?" Peridot yelled in frustration turning to the now sitting Garnet, Garnet just sat silently eyeing Peridot with one of her eyes as she took a mediative stance "Dating is a romantic thing to people in love do that mostly consists of going out and doing something with a partner." Garnet explained briefly while Peridot blushed harder "Romantic..." Peridot said gulping nervously "I don't really feel that way about the Steven." Peridot said while blushing brightly in a hushed voice "It doesn't have to be just indulge whoever dared you." Garnet said briefly before Peridot got off and ran back into the barn seeing Steven resting on a small bale of hay texting on his phone "I accept your date!" Peridot yelled scaring Steven and making him fall from the hay bale looking up from behind the bale a awkward "Okay" was given by a slightly startled Steven

The first day was by far the most awkward as Steven and Peridot began their day at the Big Donut hands entangled only to be mocked by Lars who joked about them being a couple only to be silenced by Sadie punching him in the gut after getting their donuts they made their way to the Carwash to acquire some money from Greg but not before a little comedic moment as Peridot started delving into the purpose of the hole in the middle of the donut coming up with many insane and absurd theories her first bites had also came to laughs as she hesitantly took a bite before devouring it and having what could only called a sugar rush as her eyes went huge and she picked up speed pulling Steven along, once they got to the Carwash Steven had a very tough time explaining how he was dating Peridot to his father which lead to a bunch of other awkward conversations, Peridot all the while played with a hose that was until a hiding Onion turned the water on, Peridot scared of the sudden pressure dropped the hose leading it to flip around wildly soaking Peridot who screamed wildly, Steven tried grabbing the hose while Greg turned off the water, now that the whole fiasco was over with Peridot appeared quite grumpy having her triangular hair pinned against her head making her look almost entirely different, Greg was luckily on hand with a towel for Peridot to dry herself off after that Peridot ended the day being to annoyed with her still soaked clothing.

The second and third day were awkward to say the least with everyone asking their relationship status and the constant blushing of Steven as he explained what was going on, the second day Steven suggested Pizza which they shared late one night as Steven and Peridot fought each other on one of Steven's videogame much to the surprise of everyone Peridot beat Steven despite never playing anything like it in her time on Earth. The third day was spent scowling the beach for random trinkets left by people at the beach, Peridot had found some long flowing earrings which she put in her hair looking almost like a ornament on a Christmas tree.

The Fourth and Fifth day was a sort of play date between Steven, Peridot, Connie and Onion who all played different roles such as a Cop, Pirate, Doctor and Rockstar needless to say they had fun messing around those couple days going from place to place in Beach City pretending to be all these roles and acting out various scenarios.

The last two days were spent on the farm cleaning up and planting various crops for the neighboring farmer, Peridot managed to get over her fear of cows hesitantly walking up to one with Steven egging her on, the cow she patted turned and licked her hair much to Peridot's surprise and eventually lead to her hair going every which way and frustrating her as she slowly straightened it back out, Peridot tried her hand at horse riding but was so short she had to be picked up and put onto the saddle, Peridot being so scared of the animal took all her actions very slow that is until Steven challenged her to a race after winning said race she lost control of her horse who refused to stop despite her constant tugging on the reigns, the farmer soon arrived on his own horse and managed to calm Peridot's horse down, Peridot was left shaken after that and became very afraid of horses much to Amethyst's joy who proceeded to prank her with pinatas.

At the end Peridot found herself both scared and happy having documented human food and it's taste as well as a ton of human terms she learned through there little playdate, some animals Peridot warmed up to others she gained a irrational fear of, Steven had proved invaluable to her study of humans as a form of appreciation she copied a scene in Camp Pining Hearts and kissed his cheek scaring Steven so much he avoided her the next week till Garnet had started questioning Steven's strange behavior around Peridot.

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