Question #1 (lonely-cryst)

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Question #1 Well, for a diamond with pretty much..."Fancy" and "Futuristic" Weapon, have you thought of trying some "antique" human weapon like kopesh, blunderbuss, etc? And Why
- lonely-cryst

"Oh! Finally it's been pretty lonely here." Diamond said his smile slowly breaking looking from his spot on the couch looking around the now vacant house "well thankfully you had a question for me and not one of the other gems their out on a mission right now." Diamond said his smile returning to face "Okay, let's see "Fancy" I see why you would get that impression, but I'm not like the other Diamonds and indulges in the spoils of war." Diamond said in a annoyed tone, Diamond continued on reading the question "Oh...wait you we're talking about weapons, Fancy..." Diamond looked off to the side in thought "Well I'm not the type of gem to emblazon my weapon with precious metals like gold or silver like the others high ranking officers of the Diamond Authority, I find it rather pointless I'm more of a utilitarian and unless these metals proved useful in battle battle I would give them a second glance." Diamond said thinking logically before he continued on with the Question "Would I use any "antique" human weapon like the khopesh or blunderbuss?" Diamond said reading out the question "Well, first lonely-cryst you seem a little confused on the origins of human weaponry, we landed here over 5,000 years ago during the war for Earth many soldiers fell and left there weapons scattered amongst the battlefield somewhere along the line human's tried copying our weapons based of the memories of their forefathers who witnessed our battles, now I'm sure human's had weapons before this it's just they were not well developed before then." Diamond said thinking of the various style of gem weapons used during the war and correlating them with the human's own weapons, pushing these thoughts aside he continued "Now on the topic of the blunderbuss, projectile weapons are particularly rare on Homeworld considering gems can shoot out energy blasts through their weapons example Pearl and Amethyst have done this quite a few times using gem energy through their weapons, although some gems like Peridot's use limb enhancers to direct a energy blast, the only gems to actually use projectile based weapons are Opal's and Iolite's each use a bow and can form energy projectiles to simulate arrows, one downside to this is that using energy projectiles can wear out a gem fast that's why some use actual arrows in combat, we have cannons of course it's just a singular gem cannot bring that into a battle alone and expect results compared to the weapons we have inside our gems." Diamond said thinking of projectile weapons and some of Homeworld's large cannons meant for blowing up enemy ships "Now on the subject of which weapon I'd use, I would almost always say longsword it's one of weapons I'm most talented with, I have had extensive training with many other weapons like the rapier, saber, and spear, I could keep going, but we would be here for a while." Diamond said as he unsheathed one of his swords and began stroking it's face looking gloomily down at it, snapping out of his trance he looked up happily once more "I hope that answers a few questions you had lonely-cryst thanks for keeping me company." Diamond said happily waving.

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