Ask #3

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Jolt: Force14Gaming2004 asked us; Who's our favorite person who's dead?
Everyone: PHOENIX!
Mia: That was fast!
???: *knocks on the door*
Yin: I'll get it! *opens door* Y...YANG?!?!
Yang: Hey sis!
Yin: *slams door* *starts breathing heavily* This can't be happening! This can't be happening!
Cloud: Yin...what's wrong?
Yin: brother...I thought he was dead! I haven't seen him in long! *shakily opens the door* sure have grown.
Yang: I missed you sis! *hugs*
Yin: *starts crying* DON'T SCARE US LIKE THAT AGAIN! *hugs back*
Author~San: I only added him because Pitbull_Mama123 suggested him because you can't have Yin without Yang and vise versa. Anyway, here's the info-
Name: Yang
Age: same age as Yin
Gender: Male
Crush: Mia
Friends: in the process of making friends
Likes: playing, hanging out with his sister
Dislikes: very, very high places

Yin: That's
Cloud: All
Unrcal: For
Ella: This
Ren: Time!
Gwen: Ask
Liam: or
Aisu: dare
Kusa: Us
Jolt: anything!
Denki: and
Sakura: Until
Niko: next
Mio: Time-
Everyone: BYE~

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