Dare #10

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Amber:*crying in a corner of the room*
Sylvia:*walks in* What's wrong Amber?
Amber:*hands her the paper*
Sylvia: Ok, that's just cruel.
Amber: Why?!
Erica: Why would WildCatGirlMia dare such a thing?
Mio: Yes! Death to dogs!
Mia: YES!
Jolt: Why do I hear shouting and crying from my room that's DOWN THE HALL?!
Sylvia: Take a look at this.
Jolt: Oh...oh boy.
Amber: I'll get my sword. You round up the dogs.
4 slaughtered dogs later
Ella: Yeah. That's very heartbreaking for her.
Unrcal: Thanks for the suggestion LollipopTheSylveon. But we decided that it's going to be a boy because the girl to boy ratio is very large when you think about it.
Egg: *wobbles*
Ella: Its hatching!

Erica: It's a shiny eevee! Finally I'm older then someone!
Everyone except for Erica and the shiny eevee: By 8 Years!
Erica: Who cares?!
Amber: Anyway: Force14Gaming2004 dares is to speak in Chinese for the rest of the chapter. 聽起來對我好. (Sounds good to me)
Jolt:這是什麼巫術?! (What is this witchcraft?!)
Vapor: 問或敢我們任何人。直到下一次 - (Ask or dare us any of us. Until next time-)
Everyone: 再見~(BYE~)
Ella: 我們的兒子的名字應該是什麼(What is the name of our son?)

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