Dare #118

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Denki: *sitting on the steps of the house* *still crying his eyes out* Mom...
Phoenix (angel): *sitting next to him* I have so many stories that I wanted to tell you. But the Grim wanted me. *puts hand on his back* I wish I could've come home...
Maddie: *walks up to the house*
Chops: *follows her*
Maddie: What's wrong lil' Denki? Not you're usual self today are you? Without that bonehead of a mom watching you, you can't defend yourself!
Chops: Yeah! Poor lil' Denki without his Mommy.
Maddie: *gets ready to punch him*
Phoenix (angel): *gets in her way*
Maddie: Huh?
Denki: *wipes away his tears* Well, my mom fought in a war! What do you're parents do?!
Chops: Work in the army! Humph!
Denki: My Mom fought with great bravery and fought really hard! Did you're parents fight in the war?!?!
Chops: Yeah. They said good riddance to the Princess. She deserved to die.
Maddie: Ha! You're mom wasn't the Princess Phoenix Condenzio.
Denki: SHE WAS! Mom was the Princess! She ran away because the stress got to her.
Phoenix (angel): Ugh! These kids are repulsive. *grabs Maddie's wrist* *grabs Chops' wrist* *walks them back to their home*
Eve: Hey Denki, come on it's time for dinner.
Shine: Yeah. Come on unless you want the rest to eat it all up.
Denki: I'm coming. *goes back inside*
Phoenix (angel): *runs behind him*
Everyone: *sitting around the table*
Sylvia: Everyone, I have an announcement to make.
Everyone: *looks over to Sylvia*
Phoenix (angel): *leaning against the wall* Waht is it this time Syl?
Yin: Can you please tell us?!
Ace: Sylvia, Jolt, and I, came to an agreement about Phoenix's room and things. After we boarded up her room, we knew we have to do something about it.
Jolt: So we have decided,
Sylvia: to make it the guest room. A majority of her stuff will be given away. The room itself will be entirely reorganized. And everyone has to help.
Phoenix (angel): I guess that's the best then.
Jolt: *looks miserable* Sorry love...
Sakura: *looks around* Well, I think it's nice we're turning something into something new! Look at the bright side people and Pokémon!
Penumbra: Easy for you to say.
Breeze: You never knew her!
Ruby: Yeah, she was a murder!
Everyone (but Jolt): *starts arguing*
Jolt: *slams his hands on the table*
Everyone: *goes quiet*
Jolt: YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HARD IT'S BEEN ON ME, OR HER SON! If she was still here, do you think she would be proud if her team or her friends are falling apart, or upset?
Ruby: When you put it that way, you're right...
Atlantis: I'm sorry...
Sapphire: We didn't know.
Jolt: Thank you. Denki,
Denki: Yes Dad?
Jolt: We're leaving tomorrow to get some things to get the room started. You're coming with me.
Denki: Okay...
Phoenix (angel): *looks around* You Guys are falling apart...what are you going to do?
Jolt: *sighs* It's getting late guys. We'll get to work after the dare tomorrow.

Eve: *yawns* Morning everyone!
Erica: Hey Eve!
Shine: It's still kinda weird seeing you in you're Eeveelutions.
Ren: It's still weird to me too.
Kusa: *stretches* Cut the jabber and lets eat!
Denki: *picks at his food*
Jolt: What's wrong Denki?
Denki: I just miss mom...
Ribbon: Well, we have a dare involving it.
Denki: Really?
Aisu: Yup!
Vapor: The dare is from Force14Gaming2004, he dares us to go to heaven for a bit!
Denki: WOOOOO!
Jolt: *laughs* Calm down Denki! It's only going to be for a bit though.
Denki: I understand dad.
Ribbon: Penumbra, Luna, Unrcal. If you please.
Trio: *nod* *teleports them all*
Phoenix (angel): *sitting on a cloud rock* *smiles* Dorks.
Cloud: Aahhhhh! Angel wings are so hard to control!!!
Yin: *bumps into Cloud* S-Sorry Cloud! *starts blushing*
Breeze: HELP! *grabs onto Penumbra's leg* HELP!
Phoenix (angel): *Comes up from behind them* Boo!
Cloud: AAAHHHhhhhh!!!!
Phoenix (angel): Haha! Got you!
Denki: Mom! *tries going over to her*
Phoenix (angel): *goes to hug him and Jolt* Guys! *hugs both* I've missed you so much!
Jolt: Home isn't the same without Phoenix.
Phoenix (angel): *lets go* I know. Unrcal, How is everyone?
Unrcal: Having their arguments.
Emerald: Hey Phoenix?
Phoenix (angel): Oh...hello. *crosses arms and turns away* Humph!
Atlantis: You heard us?
Phoenix (angel): Yeah! Hey, Sakura right?
Sakura: Yeah???
Phoenix (angel): Can I talk to you? In private?
Sakura: Sure...I guess.
Both: *walk somewhere private*
Phoenix (angel): *has back turned on Sakura* I know you like Jolt.
Sakura: *starts acting flustered* W-what? No! I don't like him. He was your boyfriend!
Phoenix (angel): *turns to her* I know, but the way you look at him. It's written all over you're face!
Sakura: So, you're giving me permission to make him fall for me?
Phoenix (angel): No, but at the same time, yes. He needs someone to look after him while I'm gone, and Denki needs a mother figure in his life. So, please, do this for me!
Sakura: Okay, I'll do it.
Everyone: *goes back down to earth* BYE PHOENIX!
Phoenix (angel): BYE EVERYONE!

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