Dare #23/24

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Phoenix: Cold!
Ella: Why did you say " Cold!"?
Phoenix: I'm eating strawberries and their very cold.
Unrcal: Oh.
Phoenix: Is the Dare/Ask camera rolling?
Erica: Yeah.
Phoenix: What's the dare or ask?
Shiny: You have a dare to go on another dare with Jolt.
Phoenix: AGAIN?!
Gwen: Yup.
Phoenix: Does Jolt know?
Streak: Yeah. He's just waiting on you.
Few minutes later
Jolt: Are you ready to go Phoenix?
Phoenix: Yeah.
Jolt: We're just going for a walk at the local park. Is that ok with you?
Phoenix: That sounds nice.
Another few minutes
Jolt: Hey, Phoenix?
Phoenix: Yeah Jolt?
Jolt:*brushes hair out of her face* Better.
Phoenix:*blushes* Thanks. I didn't even know about that.
Jolt:*holds her hand*
Phoenix:*blushes deeper red*
Jolt: We're back!
Phoenix: Anything else?
Erica: Yeah!
Ella: We're going to visit Force14Gaming2004's team again! I'll be part of 4 espeons again!
Shiny: Who's Force?
Unrcal: A friend of the teams'
Shiny: Oh. How long will it take?
Ella: About 16 hours my dear.

Shiny: Are we almost there?
Ella: My child, we are 8 hours away.
Phoenix:*asleep on Jolt's lap*
Sylvia: Awww~ You 2 Are way to cute together.
Jolt: She just fell asleep. Don't wake her up with her fangirling, Sylvia.

Erica:We're here!
Shiny: Finally!
Phoenix:*yawns and sees Jolt* Gah! S-Sorry.
Jolt:* blushes* It's ok Phoenix. We landed already.
Phoenix: Finally!
Ella: Part if the dare was that we transform into our pokemon forms.
Phoenix: Ok.
Everyone:*transforms into their pokemon form, walk out of the plane, and go to Force's place*
Phoenix:*knocks on the door*
Emerald:*opens the door* Hi Amber!
Phoenix: My name is Phoenix now.
Emerald: I like it. ELLA!
Ella: EMERALD! How's Ruby and Sapphire?
Emerald: Their doing fine. Come on in guys.
Shiny: Hi other eevees.
Eve: Hi, other shiny eevee. Hi Erica!
Erica: Hi Eve! Hi Shine. This is Shiny. Ella and Unrcal are together and they had Shiny.
Eve: Hi Shiny. My name is Eve, and this is Shine.
Shine: Hi Shiny.
Flare: Hi Streak and Amber!
Phoenix: My new name is Phoenix. So how's things with the eeveelution squad?
Flare: Things are doing great, plus, I like your new name.
Streak: So, how are things with the eevees? They seem to be getting along with Shiny.
Flare: Is Shiny your new group member? The eevees have been doing great other then causing trouble here and there.
Phoenix: Yeah, Shiny came into the book a while ago.
Ribbons: Hi Sylvia!
Sylvia: Ribbons! How's the cooking master?
Ribbons: I'm going fine! How's life at the place?
Sylvia: Busy. Phoenix went on a date with Jolt twice!
Ribbons: You're kidding.
Sylvia: No I'm not.
Shiny:*jumps on Sylvia's back* Hi Sylveon!
Sylvia: SHINY! Shouldn't you be with Erica, Eve, and Shine?
Shiny: I wanted to see what you were doing.
Ribbons: Oh, well hello Shiny.
Shiny: Hello Sylveon.
Ribbons: I'm Ribbons
Shiny: Ok.
Vapor: Hi Atlantis. How are you?
Atlantis: Doing Good. Wanna go for a swim?
Vapor: You know it!
Atlantis: Well, come on! If we don't go now, the boys are going to vaporize the pool again.
Vapor: You got that right.
Lightning: How are you Jolt?
Jolt: Doing good*glances over at Phoenix*
Lightning:*notices* Do you have a crush on her?
Jolt: N-no.
Lightning: Your stuttering. Did you go on a date with her yet?
Jolt: Only 2. But those were on a dare!
Lightning: If you say so.
Ruby: WE-
Emerald: ARE-
Sapphire: 4-
Ella: ESPEONS...
All the Espeons: AGAIN! MWAAHAHAHA!
Sapphire: So how's life?
Ella: It's been tiring after looking after my son.
Ruby: Wow. You have a son?
Emerald: What's his name?
Ella: Shiny.
Void: Hi.
Luna: Hello.
Shiny: Dad, are you communicating through silence?
Shiny: Taking that as a yes.*leaves*
Freeze: Hi Gwen. Hi Liam!
Liam: Hey Freeze! Hey Moss!
Gwen: Hi!
Moss: Hello!
Liam: So, How are you doing?
Freeze: I'm going great!
Moss: So am I!
Gwen: That's grape to hear!
Liam:*stifled laughter*
Moss & Freeze: *shake their heads*
Freeze: Bad pun. It should be pun-ished
*cricket chirps*
Ella: We should get going now.
Phoenix: Yeah.
Shiny: Bye everyone!
Everyone in Force's team: Bye!
*back home*
Phoenix: So tired.
Shiny: So am I.
Jolt: Before Phoenix and Shiny faint from tiredness, Ask or dare us, and until next time-
Everyone: Bye~
Shiny & Phoenix: *fall asleep*

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