Dare #56/57/58 Ask #2

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Jolt: We got a dare from Queen Summer (Pitbull_Mama123), and it's to attend her son's wedding with Princess Ember from Dusk and Dawn Kingdom!
Phoenix: Aww!
Niko: I thought Ember was in hiding in the Thunder Kingdom.
Author~Chan: *hits Niko with The Princess (it's the book on where Ember's first appearance is)* No breaking of the fourth wall. *disappears* *turns time back to when Jolt said the dare*
Jolt: We got a dare from Queen Summer, and it's to attend her son's wedding with Princess Ember from Dusk and Dawn Kingdom!
Phoenix: Aww!
Niko: It's cool...I guess.
At Windfall Kingdom...again
Everyone: *watches wedding*
Kusa, Erica, Ren: *horsing around*
Gwen, Liam, Ella, Unrcal, Ace, & Sylvia: *trying to get them under control*

Phoenix: The wedding is over! It was so sweet!
Jolt: I agree.
Niko: Big brother, if you ever get married, will you forget about me?
Jolt: Of course not. Your my little sister.
Niko: That won't happen, will it?!
Jolt: Calm down Niko.
Phoenix: I'll leave you two to argue about this. *goes to the others* Anymore Dares?
Mia: Yeah. But first, let's go home.
Everyone else: YAY!
Kusa: We have two dares from Force14Gaming2004 (Good luck on your finals!). The first one is to think of a word, then say a country that starts with the last letter. We think of five words.
Erica: Home, Egypt. Got, Taiwan. This, Samoa. Good, Denmark. Question, Netherlands!
Ren: Father, Russia. The, Ethiopia. Gender, Romania. Light, Tonga. Myself, Finland!
Kusa: Grass, Scotland. Bouquet, Turkey. Homeland, Dominica. Work, Kenya!
Streak: Going, Greece. Love, England. Water, Rwanda. Self-taught, Tuvalu. Friday, Yemen!
Phoenix: (oh god this is going to take a while!) Damages-
Mio: So, Guess we're done with the dare.
Erica: Er have an Ask from SoleTheJolteon! He/She asked what is our most wanted dream to come true?
Ren: That I got a big bowl of ice cream that would never melt.
Erica: World peace!
Kusa: For North Korea and America to stop fighting.
Streak: That we have a better president next term.
Phoenix: That no one finds out my secret!
Everyone else: *stares at her*
Phoenix: We all have secrets!
Vapor: To take a trip to the Bahamas!
Jolt: To have everyone happy!
Phoenix: Aww~
Niko: That Phoenix won't steal Jolt from me!
Phoenix: You're brother and I are together and you have to deal with it.
Niko: *sticks tongue out*
Phoenix: Hey!
Jolt: Can you two not fight for once?! *tries to break them up*
Ella: Oh god. To have my family to be healthy forever!
Unrcal: That Ren grows up to be respected and responsible!
Liam: For Kusa to know what's best!
Gwen: For the poor to be back on their feet!
Ace: Uhh...I don't know. I have so many dreams. Oh, that I could fly!
Sylvia: To give back to whoever helped me to get to where I am!
Mia: Happiness to the country!
Mio: Happiness to the country!
Ace: We meet Force's new eeveelutions. Time to go to the Philippines! AGAIN!

Ella: We're here!
Erica & Ren: YAY!
Diamond: Hey! You must be Ella!
Ella: Yeah. That's me.
Shine & Eve: ERICA AND REN! *run to them*
Kusa: *walks behind Erica and Ren* H-hi.
Shine: Hey!
Eve: Who are you?
Kusa: I'm Kusa. I'm Gwen and Liam's daughter.
Shine: I'm Shine!
Eve: And I'm Eve!
Kusa: Nice to meet you.
Diamond: Would you mind introducing yourselves to me, Topaz, and Amethyst?
Erica: My name is Erica-
Jolt: I'm Jolt-
Streak: Streak-
Vapor: Vapor the vaporeon-
Unrcal: Unrcal-
Ella: Ella-
Liam: Liam-
Sylvia: Sylvia-
Mia: Mia
Mio: Mio
Phoenix: Phoenix-
Ace: Ace-
Niko: and I'm Niko!
Topaz: Nice to meet you.
Amethyst: We hope to see you again!
Everyone else in Force's Crew: It was nice meeting you Kusa and Niko!
Everyone in my Crew: Bye everyone!! Take care! *leave for the plane*

Ace: We're home now!
Sylvia: YAY!
Erica: That all for this time!
Ren: Ask or dare us anything!
Kusa: And until next time-
Everyone: BYE~

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