Dare #8

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Mio: Give me that Amber!
Amber:*climbs a tree* NO!
Mia:*climbs after her with Mio* You're forgetting one thing, WE'RE CATS!
Mio:*tackles Amber*
Amber:*doges* *jumps off in her pokemon form and changes back when she landed* Can't Get me~
Mio & Mia:*fall onto each other*
Erica:What does the paper say?
Amber: From WildCatGirlMia Jolt, You have to eat soap and jump off a cliff.
Ella:*gives Jolt a bar of soap*
Unrcal: I did some research. Eat little bits at a-
Jolt:*shoves soap in his mouth* Eath Whath?
Unrcal: time...
Erica:*tugs on Unrcal's shirt*
Unrcal:What is it?
Erica: Will Jolt Die?
Unrcal: I don't think so...but we will see in a few hours.

Jolt:*on his bed, moaning in pain* I don't feel so good.
Everyone:*shakes their head*
Unrcal: I tried to warn you.

    Everyone is sleeping in their rooms
Jolt:*sounds an air horn*
Jolt:*sounds air horn again*
Sylvia:*marches down the hall, drags Jolt outside, and pushes him into the pool* Try sounding your air horn now~
Jolt*sounds air horn, but it's muffled*
Streak: He's very annoying.
Vapor: How are we still keeping me up with him?
Liam: I don't know.
Erica:*rubs her eyes* Can we go back to sleep?
Vapor:*picks her up* Of course we can. Let's go back.
They walk away, leaving Jolt soaking wet

Jolt:Sorry about that...waking you up in the middle of the night and all...
Amber:Ok.*hits him on the head* WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!*mubles* That's Why I have a crush on you...
Sylvia: Whatcha say?
Ella: You're blushing!
Amber: Anyway~, you have another dare. From the same person. You have to jump off a cliff.
Sylvia:*teleports then to a cliff*
Jolt: It's very tall.
Amber: Yup.*pushes him off*
Amber:*thinks: Hope he's going to be ok...*
Ella: Is there a portal on the bottom? Like from when you pushed Azaka from the Empire State Building?
Sylvia: Nope
Amber: WHAT?!
Jolt: Hey there's a pool!
Amber:*thinks: oh thank Arceus*
Jolt:*starts scaling the cliff* Anyway guys, after I finish scaling this wall-oh arceus!*starts falling but gets his grip* SYLVIA! A LITTLE HELP HERE?!
Mio, Mia, Sylvia: *combine powers and teleports him back up*
Jolt: Thanks.
Amber:*phone buzzes* Oh, Force14Gaming2004 dares Sylvia to do the same thing.
Sylvia:Well, Let's go home. We need a new bar of soap.
They teleport back home
Amber: Here ya go. Remember what Jolt did, and don't do it.
Sylvia: Right.*grabs bar of soap and breaks of small chunks* It's honestly not that bad.

Sylvia: Done. Now for the cliff.
At the cliff
Sylvia:*backs up and runs towards the edge* WWHHHOOOHHOOOO~*jumps*
Everyone:*walks or messes around*
Sylvia:*teleports back up* That was ok...the fall was scary though.
Jolt: So that wraps it up guys.
Erica: Ask or Dare us. And until next time-
Everyone: BYE~

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