Our Trip to the Philippines

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Erica:We're back from our trip!
Sylvia:We had so much fun!
Ember:It was awesome meeting all of them, if you take away the time I was crying.
Mio:It was just awsome being there.
Mia:That was a trip to never forget.
Streak:It was awesome seeing them again!
Gwen:I loved seeing Bloom's garden.
Liam:She really has a green thumb.
Vapor:Atlantis and I both had a mini water show!
Ella:It was nice seeing Ruby and Sapphire AND meeting Emerald!
Unrcal:I just want to go to my room!
Erica:Anyway-here are some highlights of our trip.
~The Trip~
Ember:Wow~ Is that a plane?!
Streak:You never seen a plane before?
Ember:*blushes red from embarrassment* I read about them...I just never seen one in person.
Sylvia:Let's just get on!
Unrcal:Let's go!
Ella:Our flight is soon!
Sylvia:*picks up Erica*LET'S GO!
Vapor:You guys board, I'll take care of the luggage.
Everyone:OK!*run into the plane*
~everyone is one and the plane takes off🛫 *
Ember:Wow~ We're so high!
Mio:So How long will we be up here?
Jolt:About 16 or 17 hours. Give or take.
Mia:Oh boy.
Gwen:Buckle up your seat belts, this will take a while.

Ember:Are we there yet?
Streak:You've been asking that for the past 8 HOURS EMBER!

Ember:*falls asleep on his shoulder*
Ember:Ahh! Wait, already?
Vapor:I can see them!
Ember:I see them too!
Erica:*runs off of the plane*SHINE! EVE!
Ella:Ruby! Sapphire! And another Espeon!
Streak:Let's go Ember~
Ember:I'm coming~!
~everyone gets off~
Lightning:Hey Jolt!
Ember:*stands awkwardly away from everyone*
Flare:Let's go to our base guys.
Everyone except Ember:YAY~
~At la base de eeveelution~
Ember:*walks around aimlessly and finds Delta's room* Ohh~
Emerald:*walks into Delta's room and sees Ember*
Ember & Emerald:AAAHHHHHHHH~
Ember:Who the heck are you?!
Emerald:NO! Who the heck are YOU?!
~everyone runs in~
Ella:Ember, Emerald, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!
Emerald:She started it!*points at Ember*
Ella:Ember... >:(
Streak:Ember...tell us.
Ember:*starts crying*
Vapor:I forgot that Ember gets upset easily! Calm down Ember.
Ember:*cries harder*
Jolt:Please. Ember please~?
Ember:*still cries*
Ella:Should we just take this outside?
Thunder:Yes. Yes you should.
~my eeveelution team leaves outside~
Ember:*starts sobbing*
Liam:You just made it worse Gwen!
Sylvia:Thanks a lot!
Ember:*still crying*
Unrcal:Please Ember! We beg you!
Ember:*starts whimpering and stops crying*
Ella:Thank you Ember.
Ember:You know I hate getting scared and seeing you guys upset.
Erica:I know Ember. But you need to know when you can't be sad.
Ember:Cam we just please go back to California now?
~back home~
Ella:And that was our trip.
Ember:I'm a just goin' to bed. Goodnight guys.
Everyone:Goodnight Ember!
Unrcal:Send is dare or questions or whatever.
Liam:Until next time guys-

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