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Mio: Guess what guys!
Ace: WAT?!
Mio: We hit +3k reads!
Phoenix: WHAT?! NO WAY!
Denki: What does this mean mom?
Phoenix: It means we get to celebrate...but we haven't really had any ideas lately *phone rings* Huh? *goes white* *takes call* Hello?
Unrcal: What is it Phoenix?
Phoenix:...we have to speak to him in private. Now.
Both: I...uhh...have to take this call in private. *leaves*
Cloud: What's with them?
Jolt: They act like this whenever they see a certain name pop up when someone calls them.
Mia: Yup...all in favor of eavesdropping on their call, raise their hands!
Everyone: *raises hand*
Phoenix: WHY DO I NEED TO GO BACK?!...Uhh...yeah...Unrcal's right here...yeah...okay. He wants to talk to you Unrcal.
Unrcal: Hi! Yes Phoenix is just fine...I'm keeping her safe. Okay...bye King Magian. *gives Phoenix her phone*
Phoenix: Hi dad! Home? NOW?! But...but I can't! I have a boyfriend! I have a son......His name is Denki......I know he was supposed to be born on Bulyra soil......well what was I supposed to do?! Just randomly tell my friends that we need to go to Bulyra?!......W-war?! We'll be their by tonight. See you tonight. *hangs up* We have to go home tonight Unrcal. If not, everyone we ever loved in Bulyra...will suffer the consequences. *starts crying* I don't wanna do this!
Unrcal: *goes to her eye level* *strokes head* We'll get through this. I will always keep you safe. That's a knight's promise.
Phoenix: We need to go. The others will get worried.
Both: *leave*
Everyone else: *run back to the living room* *pretends nothing happened*
Phoenix: Unrcal and I have to go someplace tonight. We won't be back for a few weeks. Something last minute came up from home.
Unrcal: It's urgent. Phoenix and I will start packing our bags. Come on Phoenix. *leads her upstairs*
Ella: Oh Unrcal.
Denki: What's going to happen to us Dad?
Jolt: I don't know Denki. I just hope we don't get to "suffer the consequences*
Phoenix: JOLT?! DENKI?!
Unrcal: ELLA! REN!
The 4: *go the rooms*
Phoenix: *crying on her bed*
Jolt: Phoenix? *puts hand in shoulder* What's wrong?
Phoenix: *wipes tears* I'm sorry I have to go. *hugs Denki and Jolt* I love you both so much. Be brave. I'll be back before you know it.
Denki: I'll miss you Mom.
Jolt: Safe travels, okay Phoenix?
Phoenix: *lets go* I will. You both will always be on my mind. Would you mind helping me pack?
Jolt: Of course not!
Denki: I have something for you that's in my room *leaves* *comes back a few minutes later with drawing*-

(Pretend it's colored!) I made it myself. I wanted to give you it on you're birthday. But, now is the best time then ever. *gives it*
Phoenix: *hugs him* Oh Denki! This is the best! This is the best gift a mother could ever ask for!
Jolt: Be Safe, okay Phoenix?
Phoenix: I will. Now help me pack up!
With Unrcal
Ella: Do be safe.
Unrcal: I will Ella.
Ren: What happened Dad?
Unrcal: Something involving Phoenix, *grabs sword from secret box on the floor* Royalty, and my job. *puts sword in sheath* I love you both. I will be back soon...I hope. *gets suitcase* Wish me the best of luck.
Ella: *hugs* Do you have to leave?
Unrcal: I'm sorry, but I do. It's my job.
Phoenix: GOODBYE EVERYONE! Wish us luck!
Unrcal: BYE~
Everyone: BYE~ STAY SAFE~
Phoenix & Unrcal: *leave*
Denki: Please come home unharmed Mom.
Jolt: Please.

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