Bolt Arc is near

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Bolt: *get a gun in his closest and goes outside* *put a surpressed on it so that nobody hear him and goes to the basement*

*What Bolt didnt know that Shard was awake*

Bolt: *open the password and the door open*

Shard: *hear some noises* what was that? *see Bolt going through a door* What is Bolt doing with that gun? *sneak through the door*

*The door closed*

Shard: *follow Bolt quietly*

Bolt: *activate the target and goes standing in the middle*

Shard: *hides behind some boxes* What is he doing?

Bolt: *open his eyes and start shooting the target and take them all down in a blink of an eye*

Shard: *thinks* Wow so cool *accidentally moves the boxes and make them fall*

Bolt: *turns around* Who is there??

Shard: *hide and hoping Bolt didnt see her*

Bolt: *look around* Hmmm *put on the x-ray vision and see somebody beind the boxes and pull the gun up* Who are you back there?

Shard: *thinks* Sh*t he know im here well i got no choice *out loud* Alright you caught me *goes out of hiding*

Bolt: *lower the gun* Shard what are you doing here? *runs to her* You know this is privacy here right?

Shard: Im sorry Bolt i was just so curious that i have to follow you here

Bolt: *sighs* Please next time when im doing something dont follow me alright?

Shard: Ok but what were you doing with your gun?

Bolt: I was just training to see if i still has fast reflexes left so are you gonna leave now?

Shard: I actually have a gift for you

Bolt: What is it?

Shard: *give him a necklace* Here i was going to give it to you in the morning but i giving it to you now

Bolt: *wear it* Thank Shard it amazing

Shard: No problem well i gotta go now *kiss Bolt and then leaves*

Bolt: *blush* And that why your my girlfriend but i must focus on this now

Shard: *outside and thinking* Why is Bolt acting differently hm there is something changed about Bolt but i dont know why maybe i just over thinking stuff i should go to sleep *goes back in the house and goes to her room*

Bolt: Thank god she didnt see this *get the mysterious device out* Its doesnt matter how much it risk my life or anything i will not give up until i found you.....

Lost brother

*To be continued*

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