Dare 121

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Night: Alright so we got another dare from SkylarWrites4Life and he dare us to play a Confession and both of the boys  and girls have to be separated

Lightning: Alright everyone get into our separated room now

In the boys room

Bolt: So Lightning what have you and Ruby doing lately?

Lightning: What do you mean?

Bolt: Like you two have been very close lately

Lightning: We just doing together that's all

Slongy: sighs Man you are even denser than Bolt

Amo: Ok so Blast how your progression with Dandelion?

Blast: Pretty decent right now

Consess: So when are you gonna ask her out

Blast: Hmm maybe when we get to dare 125

Bolt: Alright alright now next to Night, so you like Star right?

Night: Yeah i do, she is a good friend to me

Elwigo: facepaw Well he just friendzoned her

Shade: Yeah lets not ask him anymore questions

Lightning: So Sylvar, what do you think about Rainer right now?

Sylvar: Umm, when i first saw her, she was an *sshole to me punch himself but when that dare to hang out with her, my heart was racing a bit until when she was sleeping with me my face blushed so hard and to this day im still thinking about it. I really like her more than a friend

Bolt: Atleast we have two who know about love, the others two not so much

In the girls room

Star: So Rainer what are your thought on Sylvar currently?

Rainer: Well i used to hate him because i dont like another member to this cast with all the people here, but when you get to know him better i guess he s not that bad, here is certainly the only friend i ever talk the most with the exception of my brothers

Neptune: Neat so Ruby what with you and Lightning these days?

Ruby: Well i like his look, his determination and his personality

Shard: Well somebody is in love

Ruby: blush H-hey!!!!!

So all of them talk about 2 hours until they all got out of the room

Sunlight: Alright so to the next one its said that we have to do the "Couple challenge"

Me: Um we only have 3 couples right now

Shade: That will have to do for now

Bolt: Lets go!!!!!

While they are doing the challenge (Im too lazy to write it)

Rainer: sitting down Man i wish i can do this challenge

Sylvar: sit next to her Well you need to have a boyfriend first

Rainer: Yeah i know that

Sylvar: in his mind Man she look so cute up close. Maybe one day we can be a thing

What he didnt realize that his hand was touching her hand

Rainer: notices it Hey!!!! punch him in the face Dont touch me you baka!!!!!

Sylvar: Owwww!!!!

When the 3 couples done their challenge

Deafily: Ok we finished

Bolt: Um sis what happended to Sylvar?

Rainer: Hmph!!! turns away

Sylvar: Dont question it

Ruby: Ugh leaves the ask and dares in the comments down below and until next time

Everyone: Bye!!!!!

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