Dare 135 and 136

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So sorry that i havent update the book, i was feeling really depressed about alot of things so sorry, if this chapter suck then blame my depression. Anyways onto the dares


All of them got to Sweden

Night: 🅰🅰hh we h🅰ve m🅰de it to Sweden

Bolt: Um Night why did you s🅰id 🅰 🅰nd why 🅰m i s🅰ying it 🅰swell

Ruby: Oh its 🅰 d🅰re from Force14Gaming2004

Shard: Its 🅰lso s🅰id th🅰t we need to visit the 🅱iggest cities from the l🅰st d🅰re

Slongy: To Stockholm it is

So everyone make their way there

2 hours later

Nancly: Fin🅰lly m🅰de it

Bolt: Wow so 🅱e🅰utiful

Blast: M🅰n i need to t🅰ke pictures grab out a camera

Dandelion: Ok to the next d🅰re from SkylarWrites4Life and he s🅰id th🅰t we have to do the p🅰per kiss

Night: The wh🅰t!?!?!??! Nuh uh im not doing it

Star: Come on Night its going to 🅱e fun

Night: F-f-fine

Star: Y🅰y!!!

5 minutes later

Here are the orders

Team Eeveelutions

Team.......(um i dont know what to call this team)

Lightning: Ok st🅰rt in 3........2........1.......Gooooooo

Everyone started

A couple minutes later

The Eeveelutions are currently with 7-5 lead

Night: accidentally made lip contact with Star

Both of them look at eachother in blushes for 30 seconds until Blast shouted

Blast: S🅰ve the kisses for l🅰ter and get 🅱🅰ck into the g🅰me you two love🅱irds

They both nodded

After a while

Team Eeveelutions won with a 45-37 lead

May: Y🅰y we won!!!!!!

Me: 🅰stounding te🅰mwork you guys

Elwigo: Ye🅰h you guys 🅱e🅰t us re🅰l good

Lightning: Hey hit Elwigo's shoulder You guys did gre🅰t 🅰swell so dont 🅱l🅰me yourself

Night: H-hey St🅰r sorry 🅰🅱out e🅰rlier

Star: Its ok Night you dont need to 🅱e sorry *in her mind* Although you 🅰re 🅰n 🅰m🅰zing kisser

Deafily: Well le🅰ves the 🅰sk and d🅰res in the comments down 🅱elow and we will see you 🅰ll next time

Everyone: 🅱ye 🅱ye!!!!

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