Dare 144

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Sunlight: Man when will this chapter get released

Lightning: I dont know Sunlight, we have no contact on the author for over a month now

Consess: Guys i dont think he will come back

Night: Dont say that Consess, he wouldnt leave us without informing us

Star: Although Consess maybe right

Everyone: sighs

Me: appear Or have I really been gone

Everyone: gasps Hoang!!!!!!!!

They all tackle hug me

Me: Oof

Bolt: crying Jesus Hoang where were you?!?

Dandelion: Yeah we were all worried sick about you

Me: C-c-could y-you g-guys release me b-because i cant b-breathe

Everyone gotten off

Me: Ok let me explain explain about the broken internet wattpad happening in my country

Shard: Man that is horrible

Blast: But how did you login then?

Me: Well i have to use 4G Vinaphone so i can login

Sylvar: Wait then why didnt you do that in the first place instead of waiting for over a month

Me: One, i didnt thought of that and two, even if i did thought of that i didnt had the money

Shade: Well atleast that you are back and that's what matter

May: Oh we like to tell you something Hoang

Me: Hmm what is it?

May: There is a new member joining us

Me: Well let he/she in

May: Alright yell Ember you can come out now

A shiny flareon

Ember: Hello everyone. I am Ember, nice to meet you all

Everyone: Hello Ember

Me: Welcome to the eeveelutions ask and dares Ember

Ember: Thx im appreciate to be here

Me: Who is she from anyway May?

May: From @maxigalaxi

Nancly: Ok i think we should be done with the talk now and focus on the dare we have right now

Lightning: What is the dare?

Nancly: From @Fluffeon and he dare us to vote for 1 of the most hated member on here, 1 of the most loved member. The 3 most hated member will be locked in a box for a chapter and the 1 with the most liked will get good luck for 3 chapters

Bolt: Hm for my most hated it will be Elwigo and my liked will go to Lightning

Star: Wow im suprised you not going with your usual bs pick with Shard

Bolt: Well i changed my way, I still love her the way i do. It just family matter to me more then just have a good wife, sorry about that Shard

Shard: Its okay i understand, i would have done the same

Ember: Well i dont know any of you guys so im going to pick randomly. I picked Dandelion as my most hated and Shade is my liked

(Im just going to skip this and reveal the result)

Night hated Shard, liked Bolt

Ruby hated Star, liked Lightning

Sylvar hated Nancly, liked Rainer

Sunlight hated Deafily, liked Shard

Rainer hated Night, liked Bolt

Lightning hated Slongy, liked Blast

Dandelion hated Elwigo, liked Blast

Shard hated Ruby, liked Dandelion

Blast hated Slongy, liked Rainer

Shade hated Night, liked Sunlight

May hated Slongy, liked Lightning

Slongy hated Elwigo, liked Night

Nancly hated Slongy, liked Bolt

Elwigo hated Shard, liked Lightning

Deafily hated Lightning, liked Bolt

Star hated Bolt, liked Night

Consess hated Elwigo, liked Lightning

Me(Hoang) hated Night, liked Lightning

Nancly: Ok so the 3 most hated are Slongy and Elwigo with 4 votes and Night with 3 votes. The one with the most liked vote is Lightning

Ember: Ok you three push them in the box Good luck fitting in there closes the box

Rainer: Well atleast it was a better impression than Sylvar

Sylvar: Because you ate my marshmallow the first time we met

Rainer: Come on i was just hungry

Sylvar: Sometimes i wonder why i even love you in the first place

Rainer: Because of moments like this kisses him in the lip

Sylvar: blushes red as a tomato

Bolt: Anyways leaves the ask and dares in the comments down below and until next time

Everyone: Bye bye love you all

Me: And its good to be back working again

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