Dare 155,156,157 and Ask 13

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(This chapter is a little bit confusing so bare with me okay)

Me: fixing the dares generator Bolt can you hand me the screwdriver

Bolt: Sure get the screwdriver and hand me it

Me: Thanks screw the last few spots There we go, should be fixed

Bolt: sees a paper coming out Yep grab it Ooohh we have a lot of dares today

Me: Alright im gonna call the others

3 minutes later

Nancly: Alright we are here so what are the dares Bolt?

Bolt: Ok so we have 3 dares and an ask today, one of the dares is very long so we are gonna do that first. The dare and ask are from Force14Gaming2004 and he asked us if we have more than one phobia

Blast: Well i have another one but it is not too severe like my main phobias

Shard: Same

Everyone: No we only have one

Bolt: Ok next the dares are-

Me: Wait we need to meet his crew first

Bolt: Oh you're right

Me: They should be here in 20 minutes

30 minutes later

Night: Jesus what taking them so long?

Bergon: hear the door knocked Oh they here

Dandelion: I'll get it went to the door and open it

Force crew: Hello!!!!!!

My crew: Hi!!!!!

Eve: Hi Sunlight

Sunlight: Hello

Silver: Oh cool another shiny like me

Shade: Yo

May: So many eevees

Lightning(Force): Funny how both of our name are the same

Lightning(mine): Yeah the irony

Bolt: Well the only difference between you two is that you are a shiny

Lightning(mine): I know but Ruby though........

Bolt: Ooohhh that is gonna be much more confusing

Night: So how is your love life Void?

Void: Very complicated

Night: Of course you play boy

Void: Atleast you are in a relationship and dont have fangirls that will do anything to get your heart

The 6 espeons, Blizzard, Atlantis: We heard that!!!!!!!

Void: Darn it my big mouth

Atlantis: So you love your siblings that much?

Rainer: Of course, they have been there for me all the time so of course i loved them

Atlantis: Lucky, atleast you dont have to deal with these two idiots as i do pointing at both Flare and Lightning(Force) and i heard you are in a relationship with a certain sylveon smirks

Rainer: blushing U-um yeah

Atlantis: A Vaporeon and Sylveon ship, interesting to say the least. Surprise that you hate him from the start to loving him in the end

Rainer: Personality change i guess? Stare at Sylvar

Sylvar: talking with Star and Ribbon

Rainer's mind: You change me a lot more than you think Sylvar and i am thankful for that

Emerald: You guys are really consistent with this book arent you?

Nancly: Well he has lot of free time whisper Too much free time though

Sapphire: Kinda sad that our author isn't the same

Slongy: Come on dont say that, and beside your book have been rebirth so he is motivated again

Sapphire: I guess you are right

Topaz: I have a question

Deafily: Ask away

Topaz: Are you planning to make a sequel to this when its end

Me: Hmm well.........

(Im gonna skip these part now because i am too annoyed rn)

Bolt: Ok now we got that out of the way, the first dare is for Ruby to be locked in a pitch black room for a day

Lightning: Alright i got the room ready

Ruby: look inside and shiver I-I d-dont k-k-know if I can do this

Lightning: hug her and kissed her forhead You can, I believe in you

Ruby: buries her head on his chest T-Thank you Lightning

Lightning: Good luck in there

Ruby: I will goes in the room and close the door

Bolt: Slongy come here for a minute

Slongy: Yeah sure what is it?

Bolt: whisper Ok so your dare is to play dead so try to act like it

Slongy: Ok like this fell to the ground face first

Bolt: Make it more believable

Slongy: spill ketchup on himself and has x on his eyes

Bolt: Good shouts Umm guys we have a huge problem rn


Bolt: He was attacked by the Rhydons when we were talking

Sunlight: I-is he okay?

Bolt: No, he has died

Nancly:.........Im gonna kill those damn things flies off

Night: What are we gonna do with Slongy now Bolt?

Bolt: sighs We are gonna have to buries him

Slongy: in his mind Wait a minute he didnt mention that outloud W-wai-

Slongy was now buries in a grave

Slongy: F*ck now im stuck and the worst is i forgot tm dig so i cant get out of here sighs This is is going to be long

Back on the surface

Bolt: Alright continuing with the dares, the next one is for Consess to date anyone

Consess: Nope

Shard: smirks How about that pink unicorn of yours?

Consess: blushes W-what d-do y-y-you m-mean?

Bolt: This

Void: Aww thats cute

Emerald: An angry bird with a unicorn, a couple you would not expect

Consess: blushes harder H-how did you get that?!?!

Bolt: Its a secret

Consess: sighs F-fine goes find her

Bolt: The next one is for Shade to look at the Clown for an hour

A wild Clown appeared

Shade: Look at it and shiver in fear

Bolt: Up next is for Shard to be in a burning house for 2 hours without escaping

Shard get teleported to the burning house

Shard: Oh dear this is stupid and im gonna be suprised if i can last longer than 20 seconds

Back at the house

Bolt: So the next one is for Night to go to sleep

Night: Try me

Me: brings Breloom out

Night: Oh f-

Breloom use Spore

Night was put to sleep

Star: Im gonna get him to his room grab him and carries him to his room

Bolt: Hey Lightning

Lightning: What?

Bolt: The end of the world is near

Lightning: Haha that is only a myth

Bolt: No im literally serious

Lightning: How so?

Bolt: pointing at something

Lightning: look at where he pointing and see thousand of large meteors coming down Oh......oh no runs to his room

Bolt: Well that was quick shout Thank you Hydreigon

Hydreigon: gives a thumb up and leaves

Bolt: Ok the next one is for everyone to forget Sylvar completely for a day

Me: swipe everybody memories about Sylvar away

Sylvar: Hey guys im back

Everyone: look at Sylvar confused

Sylvar: Why are you guys looking at me weird?

Rainer: Who are you supposed to be?

Sylvar: W-what??? Im Sylvar your boyfriend, Rainer

Rainer: No i don't remember having a boyfriend like you

Sylvar: feeling hurtful......

(Im just gonna skip these since it is getting to long)

The next day

Everybody finally back home

Blast: Yesterday was tough

Night: I know right

Bolt: Being hit with needles was absolutely horrible

Slongy: You know it took me 4 hours to get out of that hole because of you Bolt

Bolt: shrugged Meh

Sylvar: feeling sad

Rainer: notices it Hey you okay

Sylvar: Why should you care, im not your boyfriend anymore

Rainer: Who told you that?!?!

Sylvar: YOU DID!!!

Rainer: shocked W-wait what?

Sylvar: You told me that straight to my face

Rainer: How is that p-

Sylvar: crying You never love me did you?


Sylvar: I knew it runs to his room

Rainer: Sylvar wait!!!! runs after him

Me: in his mind Maybe i have gone a little bit too far with that

Shard: I hope Sylvar is okay

Blast: I hope sister is too

Lightning(Force): look at the time Oh we have to go now

Emerald: Yeah if not Force will be really mad at us

Night: Okay see you guys later

Force crew: Bye everyone leaves

Bergon: look at Ember Can you still walk Ember?

Ember: Yeah i can, just a bit harder with only 3 legs

Dandelion: Anyways what the next dare?

Bolt: Oh right look at the paper The dare is from ultramaxigalaxi and he dare us to meet his crew

Ruby: Another crew?

Bolt: Yep

Lightning: Hears the door bell Wow that was fast

Star: Open the door

Max crew: Hello again friends

Mine crew: Heyo

Max: Wait where is Rainer?

Bergon: Well........

While they were explaining, with Rainer and Sylvar

Sylvar: closes the door locking himself away from Rainer

Rainer: Just let me talk to you please

Sylvar: No i dont want to see you again

Rainer: heartbroken and sighs It was a dare

Sylvar: listening Wait what

Rainer: Hoang told me, that he swipe all of our memories about you

Sylvar: But why?

Rainer: Because Force dare us to

Sylvar: feel a bit of guilt Oh in his mind Idiot Sylvar, overreacting about everything

Sylvar then open the door and hug her

Sylvar: Im sorry for overreacting to this

Rainer: No its okay

Sylvar: But promised me you wont do that?

Rainer: I promised

And then both of them kissed eachother

With the others talking

Max: Um Blast i have something to tell you

Blast: What is it?

Max: Remember your last chapter

Blast: Yeah where my worst day happened

Dandelion: saddened a bit

Max: Yes well i dare her to do that

Blast: What!!!!!!!

Max: Calm down, i didnt think it was going to be this bad

Blast: look at Dandelion So all of it was just a dare?

Dandelion: Yeah sorry that i took it too far

Blast: sighs Its alright, i forgive you

Dandelion: R-Really?

Blast: Yes, i can never be mad you

Dandelion: buries her head on his chest Thanks Blast

Phoenix: Aww that is so cute

Dusk: So that how you guys get together?

Night: Yeah irony huh

Dawn: Pretty funny honestly

Star: It was sweet though

Sylvar and Rainer return

Rainer: Hey guys

Everyone: Oh hey Rainer

Thunderstorm: look at Sylvar Um who are you?

Sylvar: My name is Sylvar, Rainer's boyfriend

Rainer: blushes

Aqua: Cool!!!

Lightning: Oh yeah what is the final dare Bolt?

Bolt: Well the final dare is from Langerpop and he/she dare us to have a sleepover

Night: Wow perfect timing aswell

Shard: You guys want to join aswell

Max crew: Sure

Everyone play some games, tell stories and then all of them sleep in a circle

Bolt: awake a bit Anyways leave the ask and dares in the comments down below and we will see you all next time, bye

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