Dare 182

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Me: Yo wassup guys and welcome back to another chapter of the ask and dares book

Bolt: Today, we were supposed to have 2 dares but Ultramaxigalaxi0009 dare was too confusing and you didnt give much information about it so we have to skip over. Sorry

Ruby: Anyways the dare for today is from Force14Gaming2004 and he dare us to react animator vs animation

Nancly: Let's watch it then


Lightning: This has aged very well

Shard: Yeah for an animation that was made 13 years ago, this look so modern

Bolt: The start of everything

Night: This animation is more creative than most modern things today

Rainer: Love it

Sylvar: Very cool

Sunlight: Funny

Ruby: This animation is way ahead of it time

Dandelion: Neat

Blast: Nostalgia

Slongy: Awesome

Nancly: This is gold

Star: Amazing

Shade: Unique

May: Nice

Deafily: The new generation doesnt deserve this

Me: Too sweet

Consess: Greatest evolution in history

Bergon: Classic

Ember: Best video i have ever seen

Bolt: Well leaves the ask and dares in the comments down below and until next time

Everyone: Bye!!!!!

After the chapter end

Night: That was a very short dare

Slongy: Yeah, kinda sad that we couldn' t do Max dare

Bolt: I know

Ruby: Lightning can we go on a date?

Lightning: Yeah sure, i dont have much things to do anyways

Ruby: Alright, we leaving now

Bolt: Good luck on your date, brother

Lightning: Right

With Lightning and Ruby

Lightning: Where should we go?

Ruby: Let's go to the park

Lightning: Sure

At the park

Ruby: It's so beautiful here

Lightning: Not as much as you though

Ruby: blushes Aww thanks

After a bit of walking

Ruby: Let's lay here

Lightning: Okay

Ruby: lays down on the grass So peaceful here

Lightning: sits down aswell Yeah

They both admiring the scenery until Lightning spotted the dark forest

Lightning: horrified N-no not that memories

Ruby: sits up Lightning what's wrong?

Lightning: Uuuuhhhhh unconsious

Ruby: worries Lightning?!?! Lightning wake up!!

With Lightning in his dream

Lightning: Ugh where am I?

Two datk figures appeared in front of him

Lightning: What the.......

The figures revealed are Zeph the Sandlash and Lin the Cacturne

Lightning: Z-Zeph?!?! Lin?!?!

Zeph and Lin: You abandoned us

Lightning: N-no i-i-i didn't

Zeph: You left us

Lin: You were useless

Zeph: You're a coward

Lin: A weakling

Zeph: Pathetic

Zeph and Lin: You betrayed us!!!!!

Lightning: No no no this isn't true this isn't true rrraaahhh

Lightning then heard a faint voice

Lightning: R-Ruby!?!? Im coming!!! Runs to that voice

With Ruby

Ruby: tears up P-Please w-w-wake up Li-Lightning

Lightning: moves a bit

Ruby: L-Lightning?

Lightning: woke up Ugh my head oof get tackled and hugged by Ruby

Ruby: hug him tight Lightning!!!!!!! You're awake

Lightning: Uh can.....you release......me because......i can't breath.......right now

Ruby: release him I w-was so worries about you

Lightning: It's alright

Both of them made eyes contact

Ruby: blushes Um can y-you promise me so-something?

Lightning: blushes aswell What is it?

Ruby: Can you promise me that you will never leave me alone?

Lightning: kisses her forhead I promised

Ruby: T-thank you

Lightning: I love you, my psychic princess

Ruby: And i love you too, my shiny electric prince

They both kisses eachother for 8 minutes

Lightning: It's getting late, let's go back now

Ruby: hold his paw Yeah let's go

And so they both walk back home

(Since the dare was short, i decided to add some Lightby in here just for fun)

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