Dare 194 and 195

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Lightning: Back for another chapter

Shade: Today, we were supposed to do 3 dares but we were too late to do fnafdemon's dare because he already revealed it so yeah sorry fnaf that we couldn't give you the answers in time

Ruby: Anyways, the first dare is from Fluffeon and- nvm we don't need to do it

Lightning: Wait why-

Ruby: I said we don't need to do it!!!!!

Lightning: scared O-ok

Consess: Well skipping that dare i guess, the last dare we have for today is from Force14Gaming2004 and he dare us to visit the Diamond Domain and recruit its leader

Slongy: Wait a minute, we are going to recruit Diancie?

Nancly: I guess since she is the ruler of the Diamond Domain

Night: Well lets not waste any time and go there now

So everyone went to the Diamond Domain cave

A couple of hours later

At the Diamond Domain entrance

Carbink guard 1: Halt!!! Who are you pokemons?!?

Bolt: We are the eeveelutions squad....with some other pokemons, a human and an angry bird

Carbink guard 2: Are you here to harm our princess Diancie???

Shard: No, we are here to talk to her about something. We mean no harm

Carbink guard 1: Hmm alright then follow me

They followed the Carbink into the cave

Star: This cave is so beautiful

Rainer: I agreed. This is amazing

Carbink guard 1: bowed Good evening Princess Diancie

Diancie: Ah Carbink what bring you here?

Carbink guard 1: They are some pokemons that like to have a talk with you

Diancie: Are they the pokemons that are behind you?

Carbink guard 1: Yes my princess

Diancie: Ok you can leave now

Carbink guard 1: Very well my princess leaves

Diance: What are you guys name?

Bolt: The name is Bolt

Blast: My name is Blast

Lightning: Lightning is the name

All the others introduced themself aswell

Diancie: giggles Its nice to meet you all. What bring you guys here?

Elwigo: We would like to make an offer

Diancie: And that is?

Deafily: Would you like our group until our book finished?

Diancie: Hmm I would love to. I always wanted to see more then just be in this cave for most of my life. But what about the carbinks, they need a leader to guide when im gone

Me and Consess: We can stay and help them

Everyone except for Diancie: Wait what?!?!?

Me: Yeah i wasn't supposed to be in this book to begin with

Consess: Im only here because the author want me to

Me: So yeah, we are going to stay out for the rest of the book and guide these carbinks

Diancie: Thank you so much. Let's me talk to Dace first and then we can go

20 minutes later

Diancie: He agreed so we can go now

Deafily: Nice

Diancie: I wish you two the best of luck

Me and Consess: And we hope you enjoy the group

Night: Anyways we should go now

Everyone: Bye Hoang and Consess

Me and Consess: Bye!!!

Back at the house

Diancie: You guys have a nice house

Dandelion: Thanks

Night: Anyways there is one more dare from Force and that is for you Diancie, he dare you to do a MrBeast challenge

Diancie: I guess i will do the 24 hours of staying in the slime

Night: Lets get the tub full of slime in them first

14 hours later

Nancly: I think its slimy enough now

Diancie: Ok gets into the tub Wow its feel so weird but oddly sastifying

A day later

Lightning: Alright its 24 hours now

Diancie: Ok tries to get out but cant Um i think im stuck

Lightning: tries to pull her out but failed Guys I need some help

Everyone grab a hold of Diancie and successfully pull her out

Diancie: Thank you guys

Ruby: Yeah but take a bath please, we don't the house to be full of slime

Diancie: Ok goes into the shower

Slongy: Well leaves your ask and dares in the comments down below and we will see you all next time

Everyone: See you later watchers!!!

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