Dare 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 and Ask 16

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Bolt: Hi everyone and welcome back to another chapter of the ask and dares

Night: Today we are having 5 dares and an ask

Slongy: But first we are having 2 new characters joining us here

Shard: They should be arriving soon

Lightning: Seriously this house will be cramped if there are more new characters joining

There is a knock on the door

Blast: They have arrived goes to open the door Hello you two

Midnight and Ribbons: Hi

Blast: Come in

In the room

Blast: Guys meet Ribbons and Midnight

Everyone except for Star: Hello

Star: N-no w-way, R-Ribbons?!?!?

Ribbons: Wait S-Star?!?!

Both of them hug each others tightly

Star: tears up I can't believe it, you are alive

Ribbons: tears up aswell Its good to see you again aswell

Elwigo: We are having an emotional scene and we only just started. Is the author out of idea or something because he can do better then this sh*t

In the Diamond Domain

Me: sneeze I feel like I just got insulted for my brainless mind

Back in the room

Dandelion: You know you just broke the 4th wall right?

Elwigo: There is no such thing as 4th wall in this bo-

Night: Hits Elwigo's head I swear to arceus you are becoming the past me sighs Never thought that I would feel the same way Bolt did when i had this personality against him

Bolt: Atleast you know how i feel back then

Lightning: Ok enough with the introductions, we have ask and dares that we need to do

Nancly: Ok the first dare is from Force14Gaming2004 and it said that we have to mega evolve

Shard: How are we gonna do that? I mean I know you, Slongy and Diancie have your own megastones but not us

Nancly: Well he did said that we can use the fan design

Lightning: Well im going first then mega evolve

Lightning: I look like a badass

All of the non shiny eeveelutions: mega evolve

Rainer: This is awesome

Blast: Sweet, i can be revelant again in the competitive scene

Bolt: Honestly this design dissapoint me alot more than i thought

Night: I look good but why do i have clouds on my head

Ruby: I am more elegant than ever

Shard: This is quite an icy design giggles at her own joke

Bolt: Please don't do that again

Dandelion: The flowers are really nice touch on me

Bergon: I feel so powerful

Ember: And i feel fantastic

Sylvar and Ribbons: Us next

Sylvar: I look alot more femaler but still cool

Rainer: mesmerises by Sylvar's design

Star: You got some gorgeous wings there sis

Ribbons: Thanks, you have a pretty design aswell

Sunlight and May: Let's go mega evolve

Sunlight: We both looks so adorable

May: Yeah I know

Shade: I guess im next mega evolve

Shade: This feel satisfying

Slongy: Now to us non-eeveelutions mega evolve

Slongy: I felt normal

Nancly: mega evolve

Nancly: I felt the same as Slongy but this is still nice to do

Deafily: mega evolve

Deafily: Blood on the wings.....weird but deadly

Elwigo: mega evolve

Elwigo: Why do I only feel like my neck just got longer and my body got fluffier?

Diancie: mega evolve

Diancie: Good look for my self as a princess

Hydra: mega evolve

Hydra: I finally got a mega that I rightfully deserved

Some flygons cry can be heard in the background

Midnight: Finally me mega evolve

Midnight: Rock blade on my hand.........absolutely beautiful

Sunlight: His next dare is for the one who are weak to fire type to stay at the top of an active volcano for 10 hours

Dandelion and Shard: Crap

Dandelion: At least we will deal with this situation together sis

Shard: Yeah

Ruby: Good luck to the both of you teleport them to the volcano

Night: They won't last long

Sylvar: We know already

10 hours later

Slongy: Alright its been 10 hours now, bring them back

Ruby: Ok teleport them back

Shard is melted and Dandelion is in flame

Midnight: Ouch

Hydra: Welp they are in ashes now

Lightning: Should we resurrect them?

Bolt: Is that even a question?

Blast carries Dandelion's burnt body to the garden and buries her in the ground

Bolt carries Shard's melted body to the cold water and lay her in there

2 hours later

Shard comes out of the cold water and Dandelion got out of the ground much better

Shard: Ahh I feels so much better now, thanks Bolt

Dandelion: Yeah, me too and thanks Blast

Bolt and Blast: You're welcome

Nancly: Alright the next dare is from skulltheskeleturtle and he dare Bolt to play super Mario dolor

Bolt: A Mario game? Cool

Bolt goes to his computer and started the game

Bolt: Looks...pretty weird with the 3d model in a 2d game but lets try it

After a while, he got the normal ending

Bolt: Well that ending was......questionable but if this is only a normal ending than what are the other 2? Well lets try to find them

2 hours of finding stars later

Bolt: Dear god getting those stars was annoying, now what through this door, who knows so lets find out

10 minutes later, he got the best ending

Bolt: Jesus christ Luigi was scary back there and then to the ending......Man poor Mario. Now im scared what the bad ending have in store for me

Later on he got the bad ending

Bolt:.........I-I-I don't....I don't even know what to say about this. I think i need to lay down for a bit and think about this because that was a horrifying experience to goes through

Hydra: O.......k the next dare is from fnafdemon and he dare us to dance the macarena and he dare Diancie to sing the Total Eclipse of The Heart

Night: What a macarena dance look like?

Ribbons: Its look like this


Elwigo: Look easy enough

Deafily: But how am i supposed to do it without hands?

Star: You drive a car before and now you questioning this?

Ember: Nevermind that lets just dance

And so everyone except for Bolt dance to it with Diancie singing aswell

Diancie: Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming 'round
(Turn around) every now and then I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears
(Turn around) every now and then I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by
(Turn around) every now and then I get a little bit terrified
And then I see the look in your eyes
(Turn around, bright eyes) every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around, bright eyes) every now and then I fall apartAnd I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
'Cause we'll never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonightOnce upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heartevery now and then I fall apart
(Turn around, bright eyes) every now and then I fall apartAnd I need you now tonight (and I need you now)
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight (if you only)
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right (and we'll never)
'Cause we'll never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
I don't know what to do, I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonightOnce upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart
Turn around, bright eyes

Everyone finished dancing

Ribbons: That was amazing

Midnight: Yeah and you have a nice voice Diancie

Diancie: blushes Um thanks

Bergon: Alright to an ask from CyanEevee and he/she ask Blast what make you want to evolve into a flareon?

Blast: Well by my name you can already know why, another reason is that i can absorbed fire so like if there is a forest fire then i can absorb it and the forest will be saved

Lightning: That is very good of protecting the enviroment little brother. Anyways the last dare is from Lufel_The_Leafeon and its a little bit confusion but i think we get it. She dare us to put her character Lufel in this chapter and make her do a dare

Ruby: Oki doki open the portal

A leafeon step out of it

Lufel: Hello everyone

Everyone: Hi Lufel

Lufel: So do you guys have a dare for me to do?

Dandelion: Well we dare you to plant atleast 100 trees

Lufel: Sound alot but i think I can manage it

Hydra: Ok then start planting

Lufel: On it goes planting

4 hours later

Lufel: plant the last tree And that should be the last one, phew all finished

May: Great job Lufel, now the enviroment will be better in many years with all of this trees

Lufel: Thanks, well gotta go now bye

Everyone: Bye Lufel

Lufel: leaves

Midnight: Well it look like we are done with all the ask and dares for today

Star: Yeah so take us away sis

Ribbons: Ok leaves the ask and dares in the comments down below and until next time

Everyone: Bye!!!!!!

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