Pineapple pizza

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(This is not a dares chapter, this is my and other eeveelutions reaction when we see pineapple pizza)

Slongy, Nancly, all the neptunia girls, Elwigo, Deafily, Amo, Consess, Sunlight, Shade, May: eating popcorns and watching

Me: Right you have five minutes to complete your exam. Your time starts when I serve your dish. Understood?

All the Eeveelutons: Yes chef

Me: bring out the dish Your dish is Pineapple pizza

Shard: Are you f*cking kidding me!?!?!?!?

Bolt: What the f*ck!?!?!

All of them: screaming, swearing and throwing the food everywhere

Me: get stained a bit by the food

Night: Sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruby: go up, grab the pizza and throw it on the ground

Lightning: choking Flare

Rainer: Motherf*ck this b*llsh*t

Me: F*ck yeah

Sylvar: scream loud as f*ck

(Yeah i dont know why i did this, oh and also if you wondering why arent they punching themself because they swear. Well this technally isnt a dare and i let them swear for only this chapter ok? Please dont kill me Force14Gaming2004. I will do the 2 dares later so bye)

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