What'll happen.....

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If Tiny Box Tim was drunk
M - Mark T - Tim Ti - Tina

M: Hey Tim, what you doin?

T: * drunk voice* Apple juice. Are yoouu *hiccup* recording?

M: Yep. Why did I put Vodka in his drink. Ohh wait. *looks at calender* It's April fools. >:)
T: Chci *hiccup* zmrzlinu, Mark.

M: What?

T: *Yelling* Thought I told ya I wan*hiccup*t ice cream!

M: Yep, he's drunk. Jesus Tim I'll get your Ice cream. God damn.

T: Don't come *hiccup* back with a *hiccup* s**ty attitude.

M: Tim! You're not supposed to be cussing!

T: Did I say I gave *hiccup* a damn!? Now *hiccup* go get the *hiccup* ice cream I told ya to *hiccup* get an hour ago!

Time skip

M: Why did I put Vodka in his drink? *Opens door* Tim I got your damn ice cream now! *drops bag on table*

Ti - I put him to bed.

M: Who are you?

Ti: Don't tell Tim you saw me, ok.

M: Why?

Ti: Because *raises right side of shirt revealing a hole through her body* I'm supposed to be dead.

M: Tina?

Ti - Bye. *runs out door*

M: Hey wai-. As long as Tim's asleep, I should be good all night. *Falls asleep on the floor*

Next morning

T: Mark? You okay?

M: I got the -! Oh mornin' Tim.

T: What happened last night? *Stretching arms in the air*

M: Dunno. *Why you always lying* You want something to eat cause I'm starvin'.

T: Okay! *runs towards kitchen*

M: Why did I put that in his drink?

T: Hey Mark! When did you get ice cream?

M: Last night while I was out!

T: Thought you said you didn't know what happened last night.

M: Okay let's eat! *runs towards kitchen*

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