Dragon_Slayer123: I'm gonna beat em up!

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Elena: HEY NATSU GUESS WHAT!?!? I just hijacked a food truck and drove it here! Want some??

Y. J. Mikoto: *Facepalm*


Mikoto: Oh crap! You've created a monster!!

Lucy: I think he was a monster to begin with.

Jason: To all you fallen angels: Are any of you as strong as Lucifer? This was just going through my mind, so I was Oh, and Ichigo, based on what Roxanne exhibited, and what Klarion's powers alone are, and since Roxanne's powers double his, do you think you could beat her?

Roxanne: *smirks*

Xaphan: A silent breath.. a silent wind... I am the power that cools the fires of Hell itself... yet *lets out a massive cold hurricane from his gaping mouth* I have never matched Lucifer.. Satan himself...

Beleth: Only Asgawrath matches that level... we are strong yes, strong enough to match the Numensapiens, but it was Lucifer who fell from heaven before all of us, and led us... he and Asgawrath..

Marchosias: I follow no master!! I merely do this to put fear into the hearts of men as is my current purpose!

Baraqiel: But currently it is hard to say who holds more strength, Asgawrath or Lucifer.. I believe the tide is currently in Asgawrath's favor.. however if you speak of Lucifer from A.C... then I am afraid we are rather uncertain to that Lucifer's powers...

Ichigo: Er... Mikoto? What the hell are those things?

Mikoto: Just answer the question.

Ichigo: Well, that's easy... I'm gonna beat her up!

Mikoto: How?

Ichigo: I don't know, I'm just gonna beat her up!

Mikoto:.... okay.. 

Ichigo: Besides, it's not like I can't just chop off Roxanne's head and hide it in the ocean or something.

Mikoto: That's... actually kinda brutal.

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