LoremasterEolas: Heartburn and Brainfreeze

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Question: Question for Natsu: Have you ever got brain freeze and if you had what was you worse case? And question for Grey: How about you with Heart burn? Which leads on to a dare that you should try and eat Natsu's magical fire attacks. Or he would forever be the stronger one out of you two

Natsu: Brain freeze? Eh, course I've had brain freeze. That time Mikoto brought me to that weird ice cream place with those slurpies and they had a contest on who could slurp faster then anyone else...

Mikoto: Please! Don't mention that again!! It was bad enough without you rolling all over the floor for 15 minutes as if you ate something sour, your face all blue!! I thought you were going to die!

Kuroko: I joined the contest and won! *puffs up chest proudly*

Mikoto: Seriously Natsu! You're not invincible!

Kuroko: *sighs* Why can't you pay attention to me more Sissy?

Gray: Heartburn eh? Well there was that time I ate way too much... and yeah that was at a Chinese Buffet in America when I went to an overseas job there. Dang... and as for eating Natsu's fire...BRING IT ON!!

Natsu: Ha!! You'll never be able to do it!!

Gray: Yeah!? Well we'll see soon flame breath!!! *Bites into Natsu's flames*

Mikoto: 0_0

Kuroko: (X)_(X)

Gray: .........S-see?....*sweats a lot*......I can.... I can... YAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!!

Mikoto: *sighs* Kuroko...call the hospital....an ambulance for one, again..

Kuroko: They're asking if Natsu tried to sit on Erza's swords to prove he was stronger again....

Mikoto: Tell them it was Gray trying to eat Natsu's fire..... again....-_-

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