Ask Me #3

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If You Could Be Anyone,Who Would You Be? Uh....Markiplier Or .......Chris Hemsworth.....

Where Do You Want To Go? Well I've always wanted to go to Ireland,Scotland and America!

Would You Ever Go To Michigan? ....Nah...

What Would You Do If You Woke Up As A Panda? Probably Fangirl and then sleep all day because I now have an excuse!

If You Could Be A Super Hero Who Would You Be And Why? Deadpool,so I can shoot people.Idk?

What Is Your Favourite Number Of The 10,000 Colours Of The Rain Coat? Guys R-*Sigh*

I Dare You To Play Limbo All Alone,At Night, In The Dark! Puppet! Why do you do this to me?! Fine!

((Ten Minutes Later))

*Accidentally kills myself* WAH SHI- *Falls of chair* PHACK!

Record yourself singing and post it? Got a million dollars and health insurance?

Do you ship or at least know Jelsa? Both!

Knock Knock? Who's there? ........Who's. There? ..............WHO'S THERE GODDA-

If You Only Had 40 Letters Left To Ask A Question, What Would You Ask? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Don't you like me?

If You Had To Choose Between Saving The World Or Eating What Would You Choose? Come on guys I'm a human being! Saving the world....unless there's still bacon!

What Colour Lightsaber Would You Choose? Pnurple!

How Many Followers Do You Want To Reach? It's not the size of the follower amount, it's what you choose to do with I- that sounds dirty...

You Have Meow? I-Is that your way of asking me if I have a cat? I don't have meow...

If You Were An Oreo What Flavour Would You Be? I'm already vanilla!

How Old Were You Before You Were Born? Ha trick question! I think... I don't know...

What Is Your Favourite Song? Can You Sing Part Of It? A,B,C,D,L,H,3... *Disappointed sigh*

What Animal Would You Be And Why? I'm already an animal~ *Wiggles eyebrows*

Pancakes Or Waffles? Mmm Bacon~

What Is Your Inspiration For Writing Books? Also...BACON! Bacon is my inspiration, you nailed it! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm~ Bacon!

Why Is Cinnamon Toast Crunch So Good? Not half as good as when you put bacon in it!

What Would You Do If Beanie Turned Into Bacon? Oh, that's a hard question! ........................... Would it be wrong to eat h-

Can You Twerk? No.... That will never happen...

Pineapple? You know what........ Yeah........pineapple.....

How Many Marshmallows Can You Fit In Your Mouth? *Mouth is filled with marshmallows* *Muffled* 10! .......What have I become?...

Alrighty that is another ask me done! Please leave you're comments for me to react to,answer! Thank you to AshleyTerry9 VanessaBloodAngel freakyflame204 MissPuppet0916 and everyone else who left questions! See you in the next chapter! Buh-Bye!

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