TheAdriRosi's question (once again)

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My girlfriend, TheAdriRosi, asked me: Robot Zombie Pirate Clowns. Apocalypse. What would I do?

Let me go down the list:

Robots: Anyone feeling Terminator right now? Anyway, moistly, I'm the kind of guy to go out and fight the robots unless they had some serious firepower that can incinerate me or something or something.

Zombies: Well, I think Walking Dead Dale has nothing on my Bow and arrow because I would have that, wear a super-duper cool gas mask, wear armor, have a machete, carry an MP5K or an M16, wear a camouflage cape, and probably maybe have my rifle with me and I would survive like any other survivor.

Pirates: Pirate Apocalypse? Is that really a thing? Anyway, Survivor who fights back a lot against the pirates... duh. what else would I do? Cower in fear?

Clowns: Clown Apocalypse? I'm so sorry but I don't think I can answer this with a straight face because I will most likely be the first to die in it... just sayin.

Robot Zombie Pirate Clowns? Um...... I wish I could say I would fight back but maybe I would just end up in an asylum after I have gone sociopath or psychopath.

Anyway, please send me more questions and I will see you on the war field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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