question stuff i got tagged in

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Sexuality: unknown dude, idfk and nobody will help me

Gender: female duh

Happy?: I am when I played don't starve together AYYYY. Which u guys should totally join me on!!!!! >:3 dew it

Last song: uhhh. My fave song that's called How did we get so dark, by Royal Blood

Hair colour: mixed brown. Depends on season. Rn it's dark.

Zodiac: Libra

Last person I kissed: Why is this a question. And idk I'm single.

Fave colour: I have loads but I wear mostly black so there

Fave food: hmmmmmmm. Chicken parmigiana.

Battery: uh I only use my phone for discord and kik so 22%

Celeb crush: none. Idgaf about celebs never will.

Fave vegetable: HMMMM. Potatoes.

Eye colour: a light grey mixed with dark blue. Rare eye thing called grey eyes or silver eyes or something, most of my family on the Gray (my last name) side, including my dad have it. It's rare in today's generation and it means the user is hard working until the day they die which matches my dad and pop exactly.

Shoe size: 9.

Dream job: tbh. Nothing. Like it'd be great to just get paid for staying at home. Like a YouTuber or something but that's impossible.. so I'm working towards K9 police. At least I work with doggos

Tag 20 ppl: dude I don't even follow 20 ppl, idk just do it if u want

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