Question 133

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Meggy: Well, Mario. It's time.

Mario: For dinner?

Meggy: No. It's time to defeat Zelus.

Mario: Already? Isn't that a little quick?

Meggy: (picks up the Blade of Decimation) Come with me, Mario. We just need to go find Onyx first.

Mario: Okie-dokie.

(They went over to Onyx, who was still hiding in the alleyway from Zelus)

Onyx: What's up.

Meggy: Zelus came, and she choked me, hard.

Onyx: Wait. Zelus was here?!

Mario: Yes. And it's about time we get rid of her for good.

Onyx: I created that hellspawn, so I gotta help in defeating it.

Meggy: Alright. All we need to do now is find her.

Onyx: Wait a minute. What are you holding?

Meggy: The internet gave me this. It's the Blade of Decimation. You'll find out when we fight Zelus.

(They walk out to an empty wasteland, which is where Zelus stays)

Meggy: Zelus! I'm back, and I'm ready for a fight!

Zelus: (arrives from the sky)

Mario: Holy shit!

Onyx: It's you!

Zelus: Looks like you're back, Meggy. And your red friend too. And look. My creator is here, too.

Onyx: And I'm here to stop you before you do any more harm.

Mario: It's-a time for you to die.

(All 3 of them started to fight Zelus, who had a higher advantage and didn't take a hit)

Zelus: Wow. You three are so wea... *gack*

Meggy: (is holding Zelus by the neck and choking her) This is revenge to what you did to my throat for the rest of that day.

Zelus: (escapes by kicking Meggy hard) You can't even choke right. People like you should be forgotten.

(All three are starting to get weak after all that hard fighting for 30 minutes)

Zelus: Soon you will be the ones forgotten by everyone.

Meggy: No way, Zelus. It's time to bring out the big guns. (takes out the Blade of Decimation)

Zelus: And what do you have there?

Meggy: This comment will explain everything.

Zelus: Aw crap!

Meggy: It's time to say goodbye to popularity, Zelus, because you will never be a part of it. (slices Zelus in half at the waist)

Mario: Oh my god.

Onyx: Jesus.

Zelus: (falls to the ground and coughs up blood) You... may have... cut me... in half... but... this... isn't... the end. (disappears)

Meggy: What?!

Mario: So... is she dead? Or...

Onyx: I don't know what happened to her, but I'm glad she's gone... for now.

Mario: Well, if she does come back, I will try my best to protect you no matter what.

Meggy: Oh, Mario. (kisses Mario)

Onyx: Whoo... I better leave you two alone. (walks away as Mario and Meggy return home a few minutes later)

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