Question 2

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Meggy: Well, If he's sick, I'll be right beside him and try to make him feel better, no matter what. If he's an inky creature, then I will find a cure for him so he can change back. And if he's... (sheds tears) dead...

(starts crying; runs to the castle)

Meggy: (crying) Mario! Where are you?

Mario: Oh hey... Meggy? (sees her crying) It's okay. Don't cry. Are you worrying about me dying?

Meggy: (hugs Mario while crying) Yes.

Mario: Meggy, I'm not gonna die for a very, very long time. I swear to you that nothing will ever happen to me. You understand?

Meggy: (stops crying) Okay, Mario.

Mario: There, there. (hugs Meggy) I'll always be here for you.

Most of everyone: Aww.

Toad: Ech.

Bob: WeLl, I'd BeTtEr StArT gEtTiNg UsEd To MaRiO aNd MeGgY iN lOvE.

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