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Kittyyyyyyyyy! I've known you since like forever on here :3

And we live in the same state! :D Don't we?


I think you're a really genuine person! You're quite nice, you're up front, and I like that! I have to say I have very much envied your optimism :) You're pretty awesome overall!


You're considerate, you always say thank you, which is more than some other people I've met. You're a great roleplayer, and I'm fortunate to have been able to roleplay with you, and I hope to do so again, as well as talk to you more. We've sort of drifted, and when I found out you had left Wattpad I was like nuuuuuuuuuu :c But I am glad you came back :3

I don't actually think we've ever had a fight, which is very good, very very good in my books, cause that means I don't really have anything bad to say about you! Which is always good XD

So I guess, to sum it up, I think you're an awesome person C:

OH and another thing.... I finally gave in. I like Reeses now XD

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