Review: Spider-Man PS4 (this time with Caulifla too)

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Caulifla: Howdy! Guess I'm on this blog thing too.. so me and Miyo-chan here reviewed the new Spidey game.. played it a bunch, and.. er.. I'm not sure what to say, was it good?

Miyoko: Hi guys! Nevermind Caulifla there, I don't think Saiyans are big on videogames.. overall the game was a total INCREDIBLE.. I don't know how to say it.. It's the best super hero game of all time. It completely blew the Arkham series out of the water.  It's probably like the ONE thing that Sony did right by Spider-man besides handing his rights over to MCU..

Caulifla: Well there was a lot of punchin'.. so.. I guess it was good? I dunno..

Miyoko: Seriously we have GOT to get you to start reading comics Spikey Hair.. alrighty, let's get on with the review shall we?


Miyoko's Take:

Overall, it's REALLY hard not to love this game. The game itself on pure story alone is over 20 hours worth of game time.. and again, I repeat.. STORY ALONE.. is over 20 hours. There is a TON of shit to do in New York City, swinging around the place. Fighting crime, saving people, collecting your old backpacks from your high school spidey years which all contain cool easter eggs, visiting New York landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, or the more.. er.. Marvel landmarks, like Doctor Strange's house and Avenger's tower (they even have a mirror tower as a place holder for the 9/11 memorial).  and the WEB SLINGING!? Oh.. BEST.. THING.. EVER..  There's like a fast travel function like all Open World games, but I guarantee you that you'll NEVER use it.  Web Slinging is so fun, you'll pretty much not mind going those extra 10 minutes to swing all the way to your destination instead of doing the fast travel of riding the subway.

Combat is extremely Spidey oriented. How well you do in combat depends on how well you are able to utilize Spidey's accrobatic dodges and spidey sense to avoid damage, and then use combos to build up a focus meter so you can heal yourself if you DO get hit on the fly, or increase your damage, all in all it feels like how Spider-man fights.  You can also get creative and use your webs to stick people to walls, cars, the streets, telephone poles.. and it's useful too, because if you knock down an enemy, or get them near a wall, you can ko them early simply by webbing them to the wall or street.. very useful against brute enemies who are a pain.

Ability Customization isn't something you need to worry about too much late to mid game, eventually, if you level up properly, you'll obtain ALL the skills, so there's no need to think about Spidey Builds or something like that.  Plus you can gain all of the BEST Spider-Man suits which all come with their own unique suit powers.  The Homecoming Suit comes with the little Spider Drone from the movies, which is by far the BEST ability in the game as it can take down multiple enemies with lasers and shocks pretty quickly if you're  being overwhelmed. There's even the Infinity Wars Iron Spider suit with the Iron Arms ability.. and my personal favorite, the Spider-Punk suit which gives you an electric guitar that destroys enemies with righteous sounds!! Like Ms. Cana that one time when she got so drunk and picked up an accordion... man that was a weird night.. least Gajeel gave up singing after that.. best thing that we could of asked for.  Overall, this is the best PS4 RPG Single Player Non-Character Creation game I have ever played, and I would pick it over the Dragon Quest game that just came out in the US any day.

Caulifla's take:

Never played games much.. Miyo-chan got me into it.. but I have ta admit! It was fun! I mean.. honestly, I don't see the point of swinging around like a jungle girl when I can fly... I mean.. there's a lack of thrill of doing acrobat things high in the sky when you already move freely in the air on a daily basis.. but the fightin' was fun, lots of good story too...  and the Spider-Man wise cracks in this game.. friggin' hilarious!!  But.. er.. that's all I've got for now.. fun game!


Miyoko's Take:

Not a lot I can throw out regarding what was bad.. there was literally very little bad I could actually scratch up. A First for Sony when it comes to Spider-Man anyways (they always screwed the pooch on his games and movies except for Shattered Dimensions.. that game was actually good).  Insomiac's handling of the webhead's adventures was near flawless.. the gameplay was addictive, and I've replayed the game 4 times already.

However, there is only one con, which will be rectified by the imminent arrival of the game's first DLC this month, and the arrival of New Game Plus. It's that after you beat the game, and get 100 percent cleared on all activities you can do in the city, there's literally nothing to do there.. no post game challenges or post game content.. just swinging around new york and occasionally stopping a robbery.. without the story or a new game plus to let you go back to the beginning with all your abilities and gear

So pretty much the con is after you beat the game, if you don't get a New Game Plus, or start a new game file, you get stuck being bored to death for a while till Black Cat's dlc drops in..

Caulifla's take:

Snrrrff.. mmm.. eh? Sorry was sleeping. Ehh.. can't find anything wrong with this game honestly.. it was just too fun to beat up all them baddies and stuff, and the STEALTH Beat downs were the BEST!.. so.. uh.. yeah.. Can't find anythin' I don't like about this game.. except the fact that I beat it.. and there was nuthin' ta do except wait for the DLC or whatever it's called.


Miyoko: "Pretty much there's very little to criticize this game on.. they put in the effort, they made a complex game with great mechanics, great story, and overall just a complete spidey experience that makes you actually feel like spidey (hmmm.. I can climb walls with static.. should I be spider-girl for halloween?). just a good game overall.. we highly recommend it!!

Miyoko and Caulifla: "Thanks for hearing our review!! Read on Everyone!!"

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