Ask Ninety and Ninety-One!

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There are so many questions!!

Miss-Potter-Head asks: "Naoki, what if Jin became a spirit?" and "Jin, what if Naoki became a spirit?"

Naoki: If Jin became a spirit, I would be depressed because I wouldn't be able to see him or feel his touch.

Jin: It's the same with me... Except, I would probably try to kill myself in order to see him again...

Naoki: No Jin. Don't do that.

Jin: B-but... I-i can't live without you...

Naoki: But I would still be with you. Instead of 323 spirits, you would have 324.

Jin: *hugs him tightly* I-I don't want that... I-I want to see you...

Naoki: Likewise Jin... Love you.

Jin: L-love you too...

NightBear15 signing off...

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