Ask One Hundred-Eleven!

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This one has to be my favorite right now.

lil_fwee_fwee_ asks: "Please tell us a story about your relationship."

Naoki: Like how we fell in love?

That'll work! I want to hear this!

Jin: Well... I met Naoki at the tournament... When it first started...

Naoki: Jin was a quiet blader. Unlike what I've observed of others. His calm, quiet, and spooky personality was a little unnerving at first, but I learned to see past it.

Jin: Naoki was the same way... He tends to be a bit... Inhumane, but he's really nice...

Naoki: We didn't become friends until after our battles in the tournament. Of course, at the time, he didn't know I sabotaged his battle with Shu Kurenai. He was actually the first person to ever stick around me, even with all my experiments.

Jin: Just like Naoki was the first to ever stick around me... I tended to scare people away with my spirits, but he never cared about that...

Naoki: I said it was what made him unique. Everyone is in their own way of course. Just like me and my Beyblade science.

Jin: After a while, we started to realize that we had developed feelings for each other...

Naoki: I had asked him out a few days after realizing that I loved him.

Jin: I accepted of course... And we've been dating ever since...

Naoki: And we've been happy with each other for close to six months now. Yes, we've had our fair share of fights and arguments, but what relationship doesn't?

Jin: I'm glad that I found someone like Naoki... He always knows how to make me smile or laugh...

Naoki: I'm glad too. I love Jin, and I always will.

Jin: I love you too Naoki... Always have... Always will...

So sweet! Also, this is part 100... What in the name of Lui Shirasagijo?! This book has been out for three weeks! Why the actual FUCK are you guys here?! My Odax, there's a lot of really goo books out there, but you choose to read mine? Really appreciated guys! Thank you!

NightBear15 signing off...

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