Ask Sixty!

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Well... Be prepared...

berry_bey asks: "What are Naoki's reasons?"

Jin: Yeah... I want to know too...

Naoki: *sighs* Fine... I didn't have a good childhood. I didn't have any friends because of my IQ. I was always alone.

I don't like where this is going...

Naoki: I was walking home from school one day, and I was kidnapped. I was gone for three weeks being tortured and raped. When they found me, I was shivering on a cold basement floor...

Jin: *tears fill his eyes* O-Oh god...

Naoki: *sighs* It's fine Jin. It's in the past.

Jin: B-But it's not fine! *whimpers*

Naoki: Don't cry... I'm fine right? So you shouldn't cry... *hugs him tightly*

Jin: *buries his head into his chest and hugs him tightly back*

NightBear15 signing off...

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