The Alley...

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It's a story that I've been writing in my notebook. I took a picture of a certain part of the story that I want you to read.

I'll warn you now. My handwriting isn't the best. And I want you to guess what character the part is written about!


I'm also really tired right now because I had a nightmare last night about Jin. I've already told darkdaigo about it, and I can't help but feel awful.

Jin tried to kill himself in my nightmare, and some mysterious guy, I don't even know who he is, saved him and was flirting with him.

I feel so bad! Jin nearly hung himself, and some guy was flirting with him before Naoki could!

I guess the silence gives me nightmares. I normally sleep with music playing...

Sorry! I rambled on. Almost done with the book! Let's finish this up!

NightBear15 signing off...

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