Author Question 6:

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Author Skye's question: So Nico-chan...What will Maki's reaction when I say "Will you marry me?"? Because that was my dream last night but it cut off since I woke up..-_-

Nico: U-uehh..Ettou...It depends to M-Maki-chan..

Maki: No I won't let you marry her! she's mine and my only future wife! *hugs Nico tightly*

Nico: *can't breathe from Maki's chest by hugging tightly* Mnnm!

Skye: Umm..Maki-chan I think Nico-chan can't brea-

Maki: Shut Up! *tsundere*

Nico: *Fainted*

Maki: *notice Nico fainted* Nico-chan!

Skye: See I told ya that she can't breathe from your hugging!

Maki: Ok Ok I know! Nico-chan I'm sorry!

Nico: *not responding*

Skye: *singing Justin Bieber Sorry* Is it too late now to say I'm sorry~? Cause I'm missing more my waifu than your tsunderation~! XD

Maki: Stop it...

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