Arts and Huggers (Pt.1)

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Fallen_Stone took a deep breath, before writing down their question on their You Can Ask Pad™, their question was;

'Mister Baldi...Will you...Hug me please?'

They gulped, thinking, "Do I really want to get a hug from the teacher," they then hummed, deciding, "Mehh, I'm sure multiple students asked this... and lived? Hopefully!" No one really got a hugged Baldi, and there's rumors that Baldi would kill people who even dared hugged them. as they stood up, looking around... Fallen then realized that they was the only one in the room. They had now idea if they should find it funny, but a little embarrassing, or the other way around.

Fallen_Stone then sighed, and just placed the You Can Ask Pad™ on Baldi's table before running out, luckily not being caught my Principal Of The Thing. Just as they were out of the blue, they managed to sneak behind them, to see Baldi walking into his classroom.

Fallen gulped, before bumping into the Principal Of The Thing, who was right around the corner. She prayed silently that he–

"No running in the halls." Principal Of The Thing said, in his serious, monotoned voice. Fallen was suddenly teleported to the Principal Office. Fallen groaned in annoyance, as the Principal then said that they had to wait 15 seconds till they could go home.

The next day, Fallen_Stone's question has been answered. They held their breath, before reading it. They then we're filled with relief, as it reads;

'Why, sure! Just visit me after class for the hug!' with a big, smiley face.

Fallen did what the answer said, and saw that another person was there, along with Baldi. They both hugged him happily. Turns out, he's a big hugger, and was really friendly! And strangely, really calm.

Why were they excepting the worse? He's the kindest teacher in the world.

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