First Question!

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Cynder: *hears a knock on the door* Come in!

Mailman: *puts the mail through the slot*

Cynder: *gets up and sorts out the mail* Oh look at that, you've got a question, Evercross!

Evercross: Yay my first question! What's it say? Who's it from?

Cynder: It's from josephmryman3, and he asks if you can give a backstory.

Evercross: Hmm, well I've always wanted to be a doctor and help people. So I studied really hard and eventually got into medical school, and then studied hard there too, and that's when I got my medical degree and opened up my own office!

Cynder: *nodding* Makes sense. But I have a question for you though.

Evercross: What's that?

Cynder: Well aren't you awfully young to be a doctor? You're what, only 12 or something like that?

Evercross: Yes but I'm very smart, and I suppose I am. But that's okay, I still like to help people.

Cynder: Well still, you're a kid. Do you ever make the time to do kid stuff?

Evercross: Of course I do! I like to play pranks on people except they don't share my sense of humor it seems.

Cynder: Um, maybe if you didn't put them to sleep and put fake stitches on their necks, or joke around with their medicine?

Evercross: Aw, but where's the fun in that?

Cynder: Not everyone can take jokes, you know. There's some people who are either easy prey for pranks, or that are too serious and take things even more serious.

Evercross: *shrugs*

Cynder: Well anyway, thanks for the question, josephmryman3, and as for the rest of the readers out there, you know what to do, right Evercross?

Evercross: Yup! Ask, dare and vote! Bye! *Waves, his sleeve flapping around*

Cynder: *giggles at how cute it looked*

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