Dare #3

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smolVegeta: I dare Raditz to hug Goku and tell him, "I wuv my little brother"

*reads the dare* that will be so cute.

Raditz: What will?

AH! *hides phone* since when did you start coming out of your room?

Raditz: *folds arms* since, last i checked, it was in ruin from that pink blob thing.

*gives a weak smile* y-yeah, sorry about that.

Raditz: *grabs me by my shirt* sorry ain't going to cut it.

What are getting mad at me for?

Raditz: Because your the one who started this whole mess.

Then this problebly won't make it better. *holds up phone* but i just another one for you to do.

Raditz: *grabs phone and drops me* *reads it*

*falls on butt* hey!

Raditz: *throws phone back* im not doing it.


Raditz: Because why the hell should i be anywhere near that sorry excuse of a Saiyan that i am cursed to call brother.

Because you wuv him?

Raditz: *growls* I'll do it on one condition.

And that is?

Raditz: i get a dare to do something to you.

.... i don't like this idea.

Raditz: your not supposed to. *grabs my phone*


Raditz: your not gonna be aloud to see them.

*pouts* fine.

Raditz: *walks downstairs*

*watches him*

Raditz: *walks up behind Goku* *hugs him*

Goku: R-raditz?

Raditz: *growls* i wuv my little brother.

Goku: Aawwww. *hugs him back* i wuv my big brother to.

Vegeta: *standing there starring at them* what the hell am i watching?

Raditz: *tries to pull away*

Goku: *still hugging him*

Raditz: Kakarot, let go.

Goku: sorry. *lets go*

Raditz: *glares at him* don't think this makes us friends, i still hate you.

Goku: then, why did you ...

Raditz: another stupid ass dare.

Goku: ooohhhh that makes sence.

Vegeta: so whats the catch? No way your doing it just because she said so.

Raditz: the catch, is that we're gonna do the next dare to her. *holds up phone*

Vegeta: *smirks* i like this idea.

Raditz: make sure to make it evil.

Goku: who you talking to?

Raditz: i don't know, Expert dose it and dares come in, i dont know how it works.

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