let's talk about traps

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Admin: *bisexual panic attack*

Me: admin??

Admin: omigodtheyaresosexy

Me: who?


Me: :o they are so cute!

Zac: ain't that boys? That reimagined as girls?

Admin: that's what makes it hotter,

Me: admin you're a girl right?

Admin: yeah of course I am


Admin: *bisexual panik*

Mick: 👀👀👀

Bowie: those are boys right?

Admin: yeah! And they are traps!

Freddie: what's a trap?

Admin: I don't want to explain, you find that yourself.

Freddie: 👁️👄👁️

Me: wait she was a he?

All except me: *anime fall*

Zac: yes Akira we talked about it a minute ago

Me: 😶

Admin: * bisexual panik*

Me: admin thinks traps are hotter than boys.

Me: Cute!

Admin: yeah, also wakiya is also a trap

Zac: oh- I thought it was rantaro-

Admin: holy sh-t my girls be sexy-

Me: whoa strong wamen

Zac: wait is that free?

Me: she's a trap?

Admin: no I just want to see my sexy crush (X'D plssss I don't know how old she is but I'm sure she's younger than mee- ToT I'm 18 just turned 19)

All-admin: 👀 we should end this

Me: bye everyone!

Zac: admin is very weird rn

Mick: 👀👀👀👀

Bowie: I think she stalks those feminine boys

Freddie: should we hide Akira?

Me: oi!


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