Battle Royal!

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The camera turns on revealing Flicker. He waves at the camera.

Flicker: Hey everyone! Welcome back to Ask or Dare My Friends and Me!

Flicker sweats a bit.....somehow.

Flicker: So I wasn't able to do the last dare, but Gavin said there is an exception to dares in the contract when it comes to serious illness and/or injury.(shakes head) Anyways, everyone isn't here right now. They're all in The Room preparing for the next dare. I got it right here.

Flicker walks over and grabs a slip of paper sitting on the coffee table. He opens it up.

Flicker: This dare is from BlueShinyFlareon87 who dared this:

I dare everyone to have a free for-all battle!(This will be fun!)

Flicker let's out a nervous chuckle. He sets down the paper and starts heading down the hall to The Room.

Flicker: I'm not very good at fighting. I don't have the drive like all the other Pokémon out there. I'm sure it's not going to be that bad though! We're all friends here! We couldn't hurt each other!

Flicker opens up the door and instantly ducks. An arrow lodges into the wall behind him. Flicker sees the arrow before looking into the room. His flame diminishes in horror at the sight. The Room has been converted into some kind of medieval world. Four castles stand far apart from each other in a cross formation with equal spacing. Each castle has a different flag. The castle to the north has a blue flag with a bone and a feather crossed. The castle to the west has a green flag and shows a claw dripping with poison. The castle to the east has a red flag and on it is a very realistic human heart made of chocolate. The castle to the south is purple with a blue flame. In the center there is a bunch of faceless humanoid figures of colors similar to the flags fighting each other, minus the ones for the southern flag. There are foot soldiers and men on horseback all attacking each other with swords and clubs and spears. Any dead humanoids simply just disappear with a POOF. That doesn't make it any less bone-chilling with the war cries and screams and the sound of metal clashing.

Flicker:......I'm going to my room.

Flicker jumps in shock when another arrow strikes the door just a few inches from him. On it is a rolled up piece of paper. Flicker hesitantly grabs it and opens it up. The camera zooms in on the note.

Dear Flicker,
I know stuff like this scares you but you signed the contract. You have to do this. I know you're scared but don't worry you'll be fine. As you can see there is no gore in the slightest. We got to keep everything PG around here. Anyway we split up into duos but you'll have to be single. You're castle is the one to the south. You'll find further instructions there.

Gavin of the Northern Kingdom.

Flicker: (sighs) Okay I can do this.

Flicker floats towards the southern castle and heads in through the double doors. He enters a courtyard. It has everything a courtyard would have in a castle. Soldiers quarters, servants quarters, stables, a blacksmith, gardens, etc. There doesn't seem to be anyone there. Flicker heads into the actual castle. He enters a luxurious hallway with purple tapestries and exotic rugs of the same color. There isn't any electricity to light it. Only the candles on the chandeliers and the light from the windows illuminates the hall. Flicker continues on and arrives in the throne room. It's beautifully decorated with gold and silver as well as precious silks. At the end is a silver throne with purple cushioning. A note is on the back of the chair. Flicker heads up and opens it. He hovers into the chair and reads the note. The camera zooms in on this one as well.

Dear Flicker,
If you're reading this then good job getting this far! I've had The Room set up this battle royal similar to one of those point system games. Next to your throne you'll find a spell book and a crystal ball. They will be necessary.

Flicker: Huh? What spell boo-

Flicker looks over and notices that next to the throne there is a large book and a crystal ball on an oak table.

Flicker: Oh I see. (Looks back at letter)

Your army will be created using this spell book. Knights, mages, archers, soldiers; anything in that book you can summon to fight the other kingdoms or improve the overall damage of the warriors you have, such as a horse for speed or a blacksmith for better weapons. However to summon anything you need BP or Battle Points. As your warriors defeat warriors in the other kingdoms you gain BP to use for spells. Some spells cost more BP then others and the warriors you use them for have certain perks and weaknesses, so use your points wisely. To start you off I'm giving you 100 battle points. The crystal ball will show you what's going on on the battle front, inside your courtyard, and the BP you have left. The battle royal is over when one kingdom is left. Have fun!

Gavin of the Northern Kingdom(also known as the one who will kick your tail)

Flicker gulps and puts the note down. He grabs his spell book and opens it.The first page is the average spear-wielding soldier. It has average strength, speed, and defense. It costs 5 BP. Flicker gets a determined look on his face.

Flicker: Let's go.


In the Western Kingdom Rocky and Arsen are hard at work. By that I mean Rocky. She's sitting on her golden throne with green cushions summoning soldiers and calculating the best use of the points she has at her disposal. Arsen is laying in his throne being catered to by a bunch of servants. He's being massaged, fanned, hand-fed, and sung to by the creatures. Rocky looks over at him in annoyance.

Rocky: You could help me.

Arsen: (swallows some grapes) I am helping. Somebody has to make sure these things are in proper working order. (Looks over at the masseuse) A bit more to the right.

Rocky groans and continues working.


In the Northern Kingdom, Gavin and Shy are sitting on their bronze thrones of blue cushions, both working hard with keeping everything in order. Gavin is going over the book and Shy is glancing between the ball and the book giving some tips. After a minute though Shy sighs. He seems distraught with something.

Shy: Gavin you know this is just plain dirty. You know Blue Flareon didn't exactly mean this when he dared for a "battle royal".

Gavin: (looks over and sighs) I know but you know I have my reasons. You know I don't have the guts to hurt everyone! Dare or not! If Flareon gets mad we cover it up by saying they weren't specific. (Looks back at book) Besides our views have been dropping like crazy. We need to do something to grab attention! Everyone today is playing Clash of Clans and TABS! This is sure to bring up the ratings! Now hurry up and check our BP.

Shy sighs and complies with his request.


At the Eastern Kingdom, EEeEE and Skitty seem to be having a good time. EEeEE and Skitty are working together as a team as well. EEeEE has popcorn though and is watching the crystal ball like it's a blockbuster, while Skitty is sitting on a pile of baked goods that's basically buried her stone throne with red cushions. Servants are coming in and out with carts full of pastries, simply dumping them onto the already large pile.

EEeEE: Skitty did I tell you I love this dare?

Skitty: (nods) Yeah! It's just as good as the seven other times you said it. (bites into some cake)

EEeEE: I get to cause all the slaughter I want and I don't even have to go to jail for it! (Growls) I wish there was blood though. I hate having to make it PG for the viewers. I mean there's not even any good cursing! Have you heard the crap these guys are saying?

From the depths of the crystal ball one can hear a soldier call another's mother a hamster and remarking his father smells like elderberries.

Skitty: C'mon EEeEE don't worry! We're going to win this thing!

Skitty bites into a tart. EEeEE looks over and smiles at her, before looking back at the crystal ball. Her eyes widen at something and she jumps up with a start.


The crystal ball shows a legion of purple soldiers and knights entering the fray. Immediately they start to overrun the other armies. One can hear them all yelling the same cry. "LONG LIVE THE SOUTHERN KINGDOM! LONG LIVE THE SOUTHERN KINGDOM!" EEeEE immediately panics and starts summoning as many warriors as she can to try and fight, but Flicker's army is obviously very well prepared and quickly does them away as well. EEeEE sees her BP counter has gone to zero and screams in fury.

EEeEE: OH NO! I WILL NOT LOSE TO SOME OVERGROWN HOME APPLIANCE! HECK NO!(looks over at Skitty) You stay hear I'm handling this myself!

EEeEE sprints out the doors as Skitty scarfs down a slice of pie. She heads over to the blacksmith and gets a set of armor complete with a helmet, pads, and chain mail. She runs out of the courtyard and into the fray like a wild animal. She snarls and leaps into the battle, clawing and biting any thing that gets too close. Anything that can handle her outward weapons falls to her KILL attack. Warriors start dropping like flies.

~In the Northern Kingdom~

Gavin and Shy are watching all this with shock.

Shy: Is she allowed to do that!?

Gavin: Well the dare did say it was a free for-all.

Shy: (looks at him) Well that means we can properly do it! Let's go out there!

Gavin: Shy I can't! I don't have it in me. (Folds flippers and turns nose up)

Shy: It will be good for ratings!

Gavin: (shakes head) Ratings are never as important as friendship.

Shy: (sighs) Gavin we're Pokemon! We fight ALL THE TIME.

Gavin stops and looks at Shy. He blinks before getting up out of his chair. His eye lights with a blue fire. The flame spreads and winds around his body, leaving behind a light bone armor. It then wraps around his head, forming a dragon skull helmet. Gavin creates a bone club and looks at Shy.

Gavin: You're right. Let's roll.

Gavin teleports out of the room, leaving a shocked Shy behind.

Shy: How did he do that?(shakes head) Wait for me!

Shy flies out and heads toward the blacksmith. He gets some light armor and flies off.

~In the Western Kingdom~

Rocky has already put on armor and is looking up at Arsen to where he is still laying in his throne.

Rocky: Arsen we're supposed to be doing this together! Now get off your butt and come help me!

Arsen:(rolls over to look at her) You've been doing fine so far. I got better things to do than waste my time fighting with a dog. Now hurry up and go I got a date with a hot spring.

Rocky growls and uses Stone Edge on Arsen. After knocking him out of his throne she chases him out of the castle, nipping at him the entire way. She grabs a helmet for him on the way out.

~In the Southern Kingdom~

Flicker watches through the crystal ball as the dare group clashes together. EEeEE doesn't seemed fazed by the sudden introduction of her colleagues. She soon goes in for the attack, slashing at everything that moves. Shy is flying above firing razor sharp leaves. Every once in a while he dive bombs on someone and pecks them. Gavin and Rocky are going against each other. Gavin attacking with his club and every once in a while using Water Gun. Rocky is more tactical and waits for the perfect opportunities to strike. Arsen isn't in the fray but still helps, spreading Toxic Spikes.
Flicker watches all of this in horror.

Flicker: They're fighting! This wasn't in the instructions!

Flickr starts pacing around the throne room.

Flicker: I can't go out there! I'll never make it!

Flicker looks back over at the crystal ball and gasps at something new. The ball shows the fighting had stopped. EEeEE had went after Gavin and pinned him to the ground with a claw at his throat. You can hear her threatening to "do it" if anyone gets any closer. Everyone else is standing clear from the two.

Flicker: NO!

Flicker runs out without grabbing any armor and heads out onto the battle field. He stops next to Rocky and Arsen.

Flicker: EEeEE don't do it please!

EEeEE: (looks at him and growls) Shut up! I'm sick of being treated like the underdog here! I'll show every one of you what happens when you mess with me. (Looks back at Gavin) Starting with you bubble head!

Gavin: (sweating) C'mon EEeEE we don't have to be violent. It's bad for the PG-


Gavin: EEeEE if you don't get off me I'll be forced to use my special attack!

EEeEE: You're bluffing!

EEeEE lightly scratches Gavin's neck. He flinches and starts to shake.

Gavin: I'm warning you!


Gavin: I'm too nervous I can't!

EEeEE: That's it just shut up and die! (Raises paw to strike)


With that Gavin unleashes probably the cheapest, yet most effective tactic to use in a situation like that. He lunges his head forward and kisses EEeEE straight on the mouth. EEeEE's eyes just flash in shock and she turns as red as a fire hydrant. Quick as a flash she jumps off of Gavin and runs to the door and exits The Room. Everyone else is just watching this in shock. After a second Arsen bursts into laughter.


Gavin sits there bright red as Arsen continues to laugh. Shy shakes his head and flies over to Flicker.

Shy: So uh.....good job with the battle royal Flicker. How did you take everyone down so fast.

Flicker: (still in shock, so speaks a bit out there) Uh I read a lot of war books and I just picked up a bit of stuff on tactics.

Rocky: (in shock) Oh wow that's cool.....


Everyone turns in the direction of the voice and their jaws drop. Skitty has shown up with a large green military weapon on wheels.


Flicker: (gulps) That's a M21 Rocket Launcher.

Gavin: (looks at Flicker) WHAT!? (Looks at Skitty) WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!?

Skitty: I found it!


Skitty: I did though! I was eating some pie and I saw- Ooh look a button!

Everyone: NO-

The sound of missiles firing is heard before the camera breaks.


The camera comes back on revealing a close up of Skitty's face.

Skitty: Hey everyone! Sorry about that I didn't know the button did that. Everyone is fine though! See?

Skitty moves the camera to the couch. All four of the dare contestants are battered and bruised, wearing multiple bandages and wrappings.

Skitty: Say hi everyone!

The group gives some quiet hello's and/or grunts. Skitty turns the camera back to her.

Skitty: EEeEE is in her room at the moment so I'm saying goodbye! Tune in next time for another episode of......whatever this show is called! Bye!

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